This repository holds the account microservice which handles:
- user creation
- user information updates
- user authentication
- retrieving user information
- user account creation
- user account updates
- user account retrieval
- account type creation
- account type updates
- account type retrieval
These requests are handled by three controllers: UserController, AccountController, and AccountTypeController
Endpoints and methods are mapped out below.
GET | /user/all | get all registered users |
POST | /user/new | add new user |
POST | /user/login | authentication service |
POST | /user/user | find user by id |
PUT | /user/info | update user information |
PUT | /user/cred | update user password only |
PUT | /user/pic | update a user's profile picture |
PUT | /user/master | update user to admin |
public List<Users> getAllUsers()
Retrieves all users in the database.
public User addNewUser(@RequestBody User user)
Adds a new user to the database upon registration
public User loginUser(@RequestBody User user)
Compares login credentials with what is in the database, will return null is invalid.
public User findUserById(@RequestBody User user)
Will pull a user from database by their ID or email.
public void updateInformation(@RequestBody User user)
public void updatePassword(@RequestBody User user)
public void updateProfilePic(@RequestBody User user)
public void updateIsAdmin(@RequestBody User user)
Will take in new user info and update the user in the database
PUT | /account/points | save new point total to db |
PUT | /account/points/a | add to account's points |
POST | /account/new | saves the new account |
POST | /account/account | find account by id |
POST | /account/accounts | find accounts by user id |
public void updatePoints(@RequestBody Account acc)
Takes in the new account point total and saves it to database
public void addPoints(@RequestBody Account acc)
Will take the new points and add them to the account point total
public Account addAccount(@RequestBody Account acc)
Takes in the new account and adds it to the database
public Account getAccountById(@RequestBody Account acc)
Will return the account, from the database, by the id
public List<Account> findAccountByUserId(@RequestBody User acc)
Will return accounts related to the user id and return a list
POST | /acctype/type | admins can add account types to the database |
GET | /acctype/all | returns all account types |
PUT | /acctype/type/u | updates a current account type |
public AccountType addAccountType(@RequestBody AccountType accType)
As an admin can add account types to the database
public List<AccountType> getAllAccountType()
Will pull all of the account types and return a list
public void updateAccountType(@RequestBody AccountType accType)
Will update a current account type(for spelling errors, ect)