C++ implementation of compile time obfuscator
Compiler | Version |
Visual Studio | 2019 |
Clang++ | 8.0 |
g++ | 7.3 |
Apple Clang | Mojave |
Use existing single header obfuscator.hpp or run script to merge multiple headers in directory obfuscator.
python -m script.merge
Include obfuscator.hpp to use it.
#include "../obfuscator.hpp"
template <char key>
constexpr char xor_(char c) {
return c ^ key;
std::cout << obfs::make_string<xor_<0x50>, xor_<0x50>>("Hello World !\n").decode();
Compile time string obfuscator. No more raw string in binary, sample string_obfuscator.
- Sample encoder, decoder
template <char key>
constexpr char xor_(char c) {
return c ^ key;
template <char Key>
constexpr char add(char c) {
return c + Key;
template <char(*f)(char), char(*g)(char)>
constexpr char comp(char c) {
return f(g(c));
- Single encoder, decoder.
std::cout << obfs::make_string<xor_<0x50>, xor_<0x50>>("Hello World !\n").decode();
- Multiple encoder, decoder and random selection.
using table = obfs::make_table<
obfs::encoder_seq<xor_<0x50>, add<10>, comp<xor_<0x50>, add<10>>>,
obfs::decoder_seq<xor_<0x50>, add<-10>, comp<add<-10>, xor_<0x50>>>>;
std::cout << obfs::make_string<table>("Hello World !\n").decode();
- Multiple encoder, decoder as pair.
using table = obfs::make_pair_table<
obfs::encoder_pair<xor_<0x50>, xor_<0x50>>,
obfs::encoder_pair<add<10>, add<-10>>,
obfs::encoder_pair<comp<xor_<0x50>, add<10>>, comp<add<-10>, xor_<0x50>>>
std::cout << obfs::make_string<table>("Hello World !\n").decode();
- String obfuscator macro.
MAKE_STRING(str, "Hello World !\n", table);
std::cout << str.decode();
Compile time finite state machine based routine obfuscator, sample state_machine.
- Make state table.
using namespace obfs;
using machine = StateMachine<
Stage<state1, Next<event5 , state2, Dummy::dummy1>,
Next<event1 , state3, Dummy::dummy3>>,
Stage<state2, Next<event2 , state4>>,
Stage<state3, Next<None , state3>>,
Stage<state4, Next<event4 , state1>,
Next<event3 , state5, Dummy::dummy2>>,
Stage<state5, Next<Trigger, Final, Action::action>>>;
- Run state machine, each execution returns next state.
auto next1 = machine::run(state1{}, event5{}); // dummy1 executed
auto next2 = machine::run(next1, event2{});
auto next3 = machine::run(next2, event3{}); // dummy2 executed
auto next4 = machine::run(next3, Trigger{}); // action executed