Very small µmagnetic solver written in plain C
Features (and Limitations):
- One tensor kernel performs all physics (Magnetostatic Field , Exchange and Uniaxial Anisotropy)
- Code doesn't support regions with different parameters
- Bidimensional. Just one layer
- Toy simulator to test integration algorithms
- RK4 solver gives accurate result for NIST's Standard Problem Number 4
- Save Magnetization Plot in PNG format
- Routine to write OVF files
- Demag kernel computed in high precission with Newell formula and cropped to
after FFT.
- Thanks to Prof. Dr. Luis López Díaz (USAL) for the original Demagnetizing Tensor Routines in Fortran
- Thanks to Dr. Michele Voto for some tips and talking that helped me to speed up the convolution process