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Please add alt text to your posts

Please add alt text (alternative text) to all of your posted graphics for #TidyTuesday.

Twitter provides guidelines for how to add alt text to your images.

The DataViz Society/Nightingale by way of Amy Cesal has an article on writing good alt text for plots/graphs.

Here's a simple formula for writing alt text for data visualization:

Chart type It's helpful for people with partial sight to know what

chart type it is and gives context for understanding the rest of the visual. Example: Line graph ### Type of data What data is included in the chart? The x and y axis labels may help you figure this out. Example: number of bananas sold per day in the last year ### Reason for including the chart Think about why you're including this visual. What does it show that's meaningful. There should be a point to every visual and you should tell people what to look for. Example: the winter months have more banana sales ### Link to data or source Don't include this in your alt text, but it should be included somewhere in the surrounding text. People should be able to click on a link to view the source data or dig further into the visual. This provides transparency about your source and lets people explore the data. Example: Data from the USDA

Penn State has an article on writing alt text descriptions for charts and tables.

Charts, graphs and maps use visuals to convey complex images to users. But since they are images, these media provide serious accessibility issues to colorblind users and users of screen readers. See the examples on this page for details on how to make charts more accessible.

The {rtweet} package includes the ability to post tweets with alt text programatically.

Need a reminder? There are extensions that force you to remember to add Alt Text to Tweets with media.

Figure 3: Propithecus coquereli life stages. - this image shows example images of the life stages of this species of lemur, progressing from young to old.


The data this week comes from Duke Lemur Center and was cleaned by Jesse Mostipak.

About Lemurs and the Duke Lemur Center

The Duke Lemur Center houses over 200 lemurs across 14 species – the most diverse population of lemurs on Earth, outside their native Madagascar.

Lemurs are the most threatened group of mammals on the planet, and 95% of lemur species are at risk of extinction. Our mission is to learn everything we can about lemurs – because the more we learn, the better we can work to save them from extinction. They are endemic only to Madagascar, so it's essentially a one-shot deal: once lemurs are gone from Madagascar, they are gone from the wild.

By studying the variables that most affect their health, reproduction, and social dynamics, the Duke Lemur Center learns how to most effectively focus their conservation efforts. And the more we learn about lemurs, the better we can educate the public around the world about just how amazing these animals are, why they need to be protected, and how each and every one of us can make a difference in their survival.

Taxonomic Code

You can use the following table for the taxonomic code, or retrieve it by registering for the Duke Lemur Center Database here.

Taxon Latin name Common name
CMED Cheirogaleus medius Fat-tailed dwarf lemur
DMAD Daubentonia madagascariensis Aye-aye
EALB Eulemur albifrons White-fronted brown lemur
ECOL Eulemur collaris Collared brown lemur
ECOR Eulemur coronatus Crowned lemur
EFLA Eulemur flavifrons Blue-eyed black lemur
EFUL Eulemur fulvus Common brown lemur
EMAC Eulemur macaco Black lemur
EMON Eulemur mongoz Mongoose lemur
ERUB Eulemur rubriventer Red-bellied lemur
ERUF Eulemur rufus Red-fronted brown lemur
ESAN Eulemur sanfordi Sanford's brown lemur
EUL Eulemur Eulemur hybrid
GMOH Galago moholi Mohol bushbaby
HGG Hapalemur griseus griseus Eastern lesser bamboo lemur
LCAT Lemur catta Ring-tailed lemur
LTAR Loris tardigradus Slender loris
MMUR Mircocebus murinus Gray mouse lemur
MZAZ Mirza coquereli Northern giant mouse lemur
NCOU Nycticebus coucang Slow loris
NPYG Nycticebus pygmaeus Pygmy slow loris
OGG Otolemur garnettii garnettii Northern greater galago
PCOQ Propithecus coquereli Coquerel's sifaka
PPOT Perodicticus potto Potto
VAR Varecia Varecia hybrid
VRUB Varecia rubra Red ruffed lemur
VVV Varecia variegata variegata Black-and-white ruffed lemur

Open Source article

For more in-depth information on this dataset, please see: Life history profiles for 27 strepsirrhine primate taxa generated using captive data from the Duke Lemur Center

Authors & Citation

Zehr, SM, Roach RG, Haring D, Taylor J, Cameron FH, Yoder AD. Life history profiles for 27 strepsirrhine primate taxa generated using captive data from the Duke Lemur Center. Sci. Data 1:140019 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2014.19 (2014).

Header image Photo by Anggit Rizkianto on Unsplash

Get the data here

# Get the Data

# Read in with tidytuesdayR package 
# Install from CRAN via: install.packages("tidytuesdayR")
# This loads the readme and all the datasets for the week of interest

# Either ISO-8601 date or year/week works!

tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load('2021-08-24')
tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(2021, week = 35)

lemurs <- tuesdata$lemurs

# Or read in the data manually

lemurs <- readr::read_csv('')

Data Dictionary


variable class description
taxon character Taxonomic code: in most cases, comprised of the first letter of the genus and the first three letters of the species; if taxonomic designation is a subspecies, comprised of the first letter of genus, species, and subspecies, and hybrids are indicated by the first three letters of the genus.
dlc_id character Specimen ID: Unique DLC number assigned at accession of animal
hybrid character Hybrid status: N=not a hybrid. S=species hybrid. B=subspecies hybrid. If sire is one of multiple possible and animal could be a hybrid, it is designated a hybrid.
sex character M=male. F=Female. ND=Not determined
name character House name: Animal name assigned at DLC
current_resident character Whether or not the animal currently lives in the DLC colony.
stud_book character Regional or global unique ID among captive individuals of that species; assigned by AZA studbook keeper. Not all individuals have studbook numbers in this data record.
dob double Date of Birth (DOB) is an exact date unless there is an entry in the 'Estimated_DOB' field.
birth_month double Birth Month
estimated_dob character Whether or not the date of birth is an estimate. Y=estimated to the nearest year, M to the nearest month, and D to the nearest day. If there is a number after the letter code, that indicates to the Nth value of the code. U=unknown. If there is no entry in this field, DOB is not an estimate.
birth_type character Whether the animal was captive-born (CB), wild-born (WB) or of unknown birth type (UNK)
birth_institution character Name or ISIS abbreviation of institution where animal was born. Duke Prim=DLC. For wild caught animals, birth institution = country of origin, if known
litter_size double Number of infants in the litter the focal animal was born into (including focal animal). Only indicated where verifiable (born at DLC). A missing value indicates that the litter size is unknown
expected_gestation double Values based on DLC observations and reports from the literature, in days
estimated_concep double Date of estimated conception: Calculated as (DOB-Expect ed_Gestation)
concep_month double Month of estimated conception: Identified from Estimated_Concep
dam_id character Specimen ID of female parent. DLC unique ID preferred if there is one. Local ID of another ISIS-reporting institution if known and no DLC number exists. 'Wild' indicates dam of wild-caught individual. 'Unk' or no data indicates dam is unknown
dam_name character House name of female parent (at DLC)
dam_taxon character Taxon of female parent: Based on taxonomic code (see description)
dam_dob double Date of birth of female parent: If female parent is wild caught or of unknown origin, this date is an estimate
dam_age_at_concep_y double Estimated age of female parent at conception of focal animal: in years ((Estimated_Concep-Dam_DOB)/365)
sire_id character Specimen ID of male parent: DLC number preferred if there is one. Local ID of another ISIS-reporting institution if known and no DLC number exists. 'Wild' indicates sire of wild-caught individual. 'MULT' indicates multiple possible sires. A following number indicates number of possibilities (e.g. MULT2). 'Unk' or no data indicates unknown sire and may include cases of multiple possible sires.
sire_name character House name of male parent (at DLC)
sire_taxon character Taxon of male parent: Based on taxonomic code described above
sire_dob double Date of birth of male parent: If male parent is wild caught or of unknown origin, this date is an estimate.
sire_age_at_concep_y double Estimated age of male parent at conception of focal animal: in years ((Estimated_Concep-Dam_DOB)/365)
dod double Date of death: Verified date an animal died. Missing indicates animal is either alive or status is unknown
age_at_death_y double Age of animal at verifiable date of death, in years ((DODDOD)/ 365). Missing indicates animal is either alive or status is unknown.
age_of_living_y double Age if alive: Verifiable living age of DLC-owned animals and/or current residents at DLC on loan, in years as of the date the datafile was updated ((date of last upda te-DOB)/365). Missing indicates animal is either dead or status is unknown.
age_last_verified_y double Last verifiable age: Age of animal at most recent date a non-DLC owned, non-current resident animal was verifiably alive, in years. Dates were obtained from ISIS as entered by other institutions (dates of live weight or animal transfer) or via direct communication from other animal facilities. ((DateLastVerified-DOB)/365). Missing indicates animal is known to be dead or alive.
age_max_live_or_dead_y double Maximum age: The animal's age from any of the three age categories (each individual must have a value in one of the three) indicating the maximum age the animal could have achieved as of the date the datafile was updated.
n_known_offspring double Number of offspring: Number of offspring the individual is known to have produced. There may be additional offspring for this individual if they were born at another institution or if this individual is a possible, rather than known, parent.
dob_estimated character Whether or not the date of birth is an estimate. Y=estimated to the nearest year, M to the nearest month, and D to the nearest day. If there is a number after the letter code, that indicates to the Nth value of the code. U=unknown. If there is no data in this field, DOB is not an estimate.
weight_g double Weight: Animal weight, in grams. Weights under 500g generally to nearest 0.1-1g; Weights >500g generally to the nearest 1-20g.
weight_date double Weight date: Date animal was weighed
month_of_weight double Weight month: Month of the year the animal was weighed
age_at_wt_d double Age in days: Age of the animal when the weight was taken, in days (Wei ght_Date-DOB)
age_at_wt_wk double Age in weeks: Age of the animal when the weight was taken, in weeks ((Weight_Date-DOB)/7))
age_at_wt_mo double Age in months: Age of the animal when the weight was taken, in months (((Weight_Date-DOB)/365)*12)
age_at_wt_mo_no_dec double Age in months with no decimal: AgeAtWt_mo value rounded down to a whole number for use in computing average individual weights (FLOOR(AgeAtWt_mo))
age_at_wt_y double Age in years: Age of the animal when the weight was taken, in years ((weight_date-DOB)/365
change_since_prev_wt_g double Weight difference: Difference, in grams, between this weight and the animal's previous weight
days_since_prev_wt double Days difference: Difference, in days, between the date of this weight and the date of the animal's previous weight
avg_daily_wt_change_g double Average daily change: Average daily weight change, in grams, between this weight and the animal's previous weight
days_before_death double Days before death: Number of days before the animal's death the weight was taken (DOD- Weight_Date). Missing indicates animal is either alive or status is unknown.
r_min_dam_age_at_concep_y double Dam minimum age at conception, in years, for the species from the life history summary table. Used to calculate 'Age_Category' as described below.
age_category character Age category: IJ (infant or juvenile): (AgeAtWt_yr < R_Min_Dam_Age_AtConcep_yr). Young-adult: (Min_Dam_AgeAtConcep_yr <= AgeAtWt_yr < 2xMin_Dam_AgeAtConcep_ yr). Adult: AgeAtWt_yr >= 2xMin_Dam_A geAtConcep_yr
preg_status character Pregnancy status: Whether or not animal is pregnant on date weight was taken. P=pregnant, NP=not pregnant (all males coded NP)
expected_gestation_d double Expected gestation length: Values based on DLC observations and reports from the literature, in days
concep_date_if_preg double Conception date: Estimated date of infant conception if the weight was taken while a female was pregnant
infant_dob_if_preg double Infant Date of Birth: Date of infant birth if the weight was taken while a female was pregnant
days_before_inf_birth_if_preg double Days until birth: Days remaining in the pregnancy if the weight was taken while a female was pregnant
pct_preg_remain_if_preg double % of pregnancy remaining: Percentage of pregnancy remaining when weight was taken from a pregnant female calculated as (days_BF_inf_birth/Expected_Gestation)
infant_lit_sz_if_preg double Infant litter size: Number of infants in the litter a female produced if she was pregnant on date weight was taken

Cleaning Script