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US Government Grant Opportunities

The R4DS Online Learning Community is a community of learners at all skill levels working together to improve our data-science-related skills. We offer free data-related education through book clubs and free live question-answering on our Slack, and by curating a dataset every week here at TidyTuesday.

(NOTE: Unfortunately, since this post, the Open Collective Foundation dissolved, so this is no longer true.)

We are now a fiscally sponsored project of Open Collective Foundation (, a 501(c)(3) public charity. That means donations to the R4DS Online Learning Community are now tax-deductible in the US! It also means that we are now eligible for a number of grants, including some of the grants listed on

We have exported all grants past and present from that site, and we are making them available here for you to explore and visualize. We also scraped details for all posted grants. Please let us know if you find anything interesting!

The Data

# Option 1: tidytuesdayR package 
## install.packages("tidytuesdayR")

tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load('2023-10-03')
## OR
tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(2023, week = 40)

grants <- tuesdata$grants
grant_opportunity_details <- tuesdata$grant_opportunity_details

# Option 2: Read directly from GitHub

grants <- readr::read_csv('')
grant_opportunity_details <- readr::read_csv('')

How to Participate

  • Explore the data, watching out for interesting relationships. We would like to emphasize that you should not draw conclusions about causation in the data. There are various moderating variables that affect all data, many of which might not have been captured in these datasets. As such, our suggestion is to use the data provided to practice your data tidying and plotting techniques, and to consider for yourself what nuances might underlie these relationships.
  • Create a visualization, a model, a shiny app, or some other piece of data-science-related output, using R or another programming language.
  • Share your output and the code used to generate it on social media with the #TidyTuesday hashtag.

Data Dictionary


variable class description
opportunity_id integer Integer ID for this opportunity, which can be used to find details at{opportunity_id}
opportunity_number character Funding opportunity ID number
opportunity_title character Title of the opportunity
agency_code character Abbreviated name for the funding agency
agency_name character Full name of the funding agency
estimated_funding double Estimated funding amount in dollars
expected_number_of_awards integer Expected count of awards
grantor_contact character Information about how to contact the grantor. Often includes email address
agency_contact_phone character Phone number for the agency when available
agency_contact_email character Contact email address for the agency (almost always available)
estimated_post_date date When the opportunity is/was expected to be posted
estimated_application_due_date date Date by which applications are/were expected to be received
posted_date date When the opportunity was posted
close_date date When the opportunity was closed or will close
last_updated_date_time datetime Date and time when the opportunity was updated
version character Integer version number of the opportunity
opportunity_status character Whether the opportunity is Archived, Closed, Forecasted, or Posted


variable class description
opportunity_id integer Integer ID for this opportunity, which can be used to find these details at{opportunity_id}
funding_opportunity_number character Funding opportunity ID number
funding_opportunity_title character Title of the opportunity
opportunity_category character "Continuation", "Discretionary", "Earmark", "Mandatory", or "Other"
opportunity_category_explanation character More details about why the opportunity is in that category (mostly details about Other)
expected_number_of_awards integer Expected count of awards
cost_sharing_or_matching_requirement logical Whether the opportunity requires a cost-sharing or cost-matching agreement
version integer Integer version number of the opportunity
posted_date date When the opportunity was posted
last_updated_date date When the opportunity was updated
original_closing_date_for_applications date When the opportunity was originally scheduled to close
current_closing_date_for_applications date When the opportunity is currently scheduled to close
archive_date date When the opportunity will be archived
estimated_total_program_funding double Estimated funding amount in dollars
award_ceiling double Maximum individual award amount in dollars
award_floor double Minimum individual award amount in dollars
agency_name character Full name of the granting agency
description character Free text description of the opportunity. Sometimes includes tables or potentially other figures, which did not necessarily scrape accurately
link_to_additional_information character The text of any links to additional information (unlikely to be useful in this format)
grantor_contact_information character Information about who to contact about the grant; may have contained links, which are not included in the scraped data
eligibility_individuals logical Are individuals eligible?
eligibility_state_governments logical Are state governments eligible?
eligibility_county_governments logical Are county governments eligible?
eligibility_independent_school_districts logical Are independent school districts eligible?
eligibility_city_or_township_governments logical Are city or township governments eligible?
eligibility_special_district_governments logical Are special district governments eligible?
eligibility_native_american_tribal_governments_federally_recognized logical Are Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) eligible?
eligibility_native_american_tribal_organizations_other logical Are Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments) eligible?
eligibility_nonprofits_501c3 logical Are nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education eligible?
eligibility_nonprofits_non_501c3 logical Are nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education eligible?
eligibility_for_profit logical Are for profit organizations other than small businesses eligible?
eligibility_small_businesses logical Are small businesses eligible?
eligibility_private_institutions_of_higher_education logical Are private institutions of higher education eligible?
eligibility_public_institutions_of_higher_education logical Are public and State controlled institutions of higher education eligible?
eligibility_public_indian_housing_authorities logical Are public housing authorities and Indian housing authorities eligible?
eligibility_others logical Are other groups eligible?
eligibility_unrestricted logical Is eligibility unrestricted?
additional_information_on_eligibility character Additional details about eligibility
funding_cooperative_agreement logical Is the opportunity funded via a cooperative agreement?
funding_grant logical Is the opportunity funded via a grant?
funding_procurement_contract logical Is the opportunity funded via a procurement contract?
funding_other logical Is the opportunity funded via some other instrument?
cfda_numbers character Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number(s) (see
category_agriculture logical Category: Agriculture
category_arts logical Category: Arts (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
category_business logical Category: Business and Commerce
category_community_development logical Category: Community Development
category_consumer_protection logical Category: Consumer Protection
category_disaster logical Category: Disaster Prevention and Relief
category_education logical Category: Education
category_employment logical Category: Employment, Labor and Training
category_energy logical Category: Energy
category_environment logical Category: Environment
category_food logical Category: Food and Nutrition
category_health logical Category: Health
category_housing logical Category: Housing
category_humanities logical Category: Humanities (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
category_iija logical Category: Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
category_income_security logical Category: Income Security and Social Services
category_info logical Category: Information and Statistics
category_law logical Category: Law, Justice and Legal Services
category_natural_resources logical Category: Natural Resources
category_opportunity_zone logical Category: Opportunity Zone Benefits
category_regional_development logical Category: Regional Development
category_science logical Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
category_transportation logical Category: Transportation
category_other logical Category: Other (see category_explanation for clarification)
category_explanation character More details about the funding category or categories

Cleaning Script


# Requires dev rvest from this draft pull request:
# pak::pak("tidyverse/rvest#362")

working_dir <- here::here("data", "2023", "2023-10-03")

# I wanted to be able to download this CSV periodically, so I found a way to do
# it with {chromote}.

url <- ""
# This probably SHOULD be done in chromote directly, but I'm using this
# rvest::read_html_live() function later and became familiar-enough with it.
live_page <- rvest::read_html_live(url)
# I used sleep()s to make sure the page was ready to continue.

js_export_dataset <- readLines(
  fs::path(working_dir, "export_dataset.js")
) |> 
  paste(collapse = "\n")

live_page$session$Browser$setDownloadBehavior(behavior = "allow", downloadPath = tempdir())

  wait_ = TRUE,
  awaitPromise = TRUE

# I can't figure out how to await promises with JS just yet, but I can make sure
# the file is there and isn't continuing to save.
grants_path <- fs::dir_info(tempdir(), glob = "*/grants-gov*.csv") |> 
  dplyr::arrange(desc(modification_time)) |> 
  head(1) |> 
while (!length(grants_path)) {
  grants_path <- fs::dir_info(tempdir(), glob = "*/grants-gov*.csv") |> 
    dplyr::arrange(desc(modification_time)) |> 
    head(1) |> 
grants_size <- fs::file_size(grants_path)
grants_ready <- FALSE
while (!grants_ready) {
  grants_ready <- grants_size == fs::file_size(grants_path)


if (grants_size < 20000000) {
  cli::cli_abort("Grants csv did not download properly.")

# Many rows have extra commas at the end, which cause confusion but otherwise
# don't damage the data. You can probably safely ignore the warnings.
grants <- 
  grants_path |> 
    col_types = cols(
      `OPPORTUNITY NUMBER` = col_character(),
      `OPPORTUNITY TITLE` = col_character(),
      `AGENCY CODE` = col_character(),
      `AGENCY NAME` = col_character(),
      `ESTIMATED FUNDING` = col_character(),
      `EXPECTED NUMBER OF AWARDS` = col_character(),
      `GRANTOR CONTACT` = col_character(),
      `AGENCY CONTACT PHONE` = col_character(),
      `AGENCY CONTACT EMAIL` = col_character(),
      `ESTIMATED POST DATE` = col_character(),
      `ESTIMATED APPLICATION DUE DATE` = col_character(),
      `POSTED DATE` = col_character(),
      `CLOSE DATE` = col_character(),
      `LAST UPDATED DATE/TIME` = col_character(),
      VERSION = col_character(),
      `OPPORTUNITY STATUS` = col_character()
  ) |> 
  janitor::clean_names() |> 
    estimated_funding = case_match(
      "Not available" ~ NA, 
      .default = estimated_funding
    ) |> 
      stringr::str_remove_all(",") |> 
    last_updated_date_time = lubridate::mdy_hms(last_updated_date_time),
    opportunity_status = stringr::str_remove_all(opportunity_status, ",")
  ) |> 
  ) |> 
      opportunity_id = "\\d+",
      opportunity_number = "[^\"]+",
  ) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(opportunity_id = as.integer(opportunity_id))

# Create a couple helper functions to get the grant details.
extract_synopsis_table <- function(html_document, div_id) {
  headings <- 
    html_document |> 
    rvest::html_elements(glue::glue("#{div_id} > table > tbody > tr > th")) |> 
  bodies <- 
    html_document |> 
    rvest::html_elements(glue::glue("#{div_id} > table > tbody > tr > td")) |> 
  bodies  <- as.list(bodies)
  names(bodies) <- headings

get_grant_details <- function(opportunity_id, sleep = 0.5) {
  # Let's put an escape hatch in, in case something just won't load.
  if (sleep > 10) {
        opportunity_id = opportunity_id,
        synopsis_failed = TRUE
  url <- glue::glue(
  live_page <- rvest::read_html_live(url)
  # If anybody can help me figure out how to make this wait for promise
  # evaluation more correctly, please let me know!
  iframe_html <- 
      wait_ = TRUE,
      awaitPromise = TRUE,
      returnByValue = TRUE
  html_document <- 
    iframe_html$result$value |> 
  general_info_left <- 
    html_document |> 
  general_info_right <-
    html_document |>

  eligibility <-
    html_document |>

  additional_info <-
    html_document |>

  synopsis <-
    ) |>
  if(nrow(synopsis)) {
    synopsis <- dplyr::bind_cols(
      tibble::tibble(opportunity_id = opportunity_id),
    get_grant_details(opportunity_id, sleep = sleep + 0.5)

known_details <- tibble::tibble(opportunity_id = integer(), version = integer())
to_parse <- 
  grants |> 
  dplyr::filter(opportunity_status == "Posted") |> 

if (fs::file_exists(fs::path(working_dir, "grant_opportunity_details.csv"))) {
  known_details <- 
      fs::path(working_dir, "grant_opportunity_details.csv"),
      show_col_types = FALSE
    ) |> 
      opportunity_id = as.integer(opportunity_id)
  to_parse <- 
    grants |> 
    dplyr::filter(opportunity_status == "Posted") |> 
      version = stringr::str_remove(version, "Synopsis ") |> 
    ) |> 
    dplyr::anti_join(known_details, by = c("opportunity_id", "version")) |> 

grant_opportunity_details <- 
  to_parse |>
  purrr::map(get_grant_details) |> 

if (nrow(grant_opportunity_details)) {
  grant_opportunity_details <- 
    grant_opportunity_details |> 
      category_explanation = stringr::str_squish(category_explanation),
      expected_number_of_awards = readr::parse_integer(expected_number_of_awards),
      cost_sharing_or_matching_requirement = cost_sharing_or_matching_requirement == "Yes",
      version = stringr::str_remove(version, "Synopsis ") |> 
        \(x) {
          x |> 
            stringr::str_extract("\\w+ \\d+, \\d+") |>
            stringr::str_squish() |> 
    ) |> 
    # Extract information about the various eligibility groups for easier filtering.
      eligibility_individuals = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, "Individuals"),
      eligibility_state_governments = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, "State governments"),
      eligibility_county_governments = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, "County governments"),
      eligibility_independent_school_districts = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, "County governments"),
      eligibility_city_or_township_governments = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, "City or township governments"),
      eligibility_special_district_governments = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, "Special district governments"),
      eligibility_native_american_tribal_governments_federally_recognized = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, stringr::fixed("Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)")),
      eligibility_native_american_tribal_organizations_other = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, stringr::fixed("Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments)")),
      eligibility_nonprofits_501c3 = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, stringr::fixed("Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education")),
      eligibility_nonprofits_non_501c3 = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, stringr::fixed("Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education")),
      eligibility_for_profit = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, "For profit organizations other than small businesses"),
      eligibility_small_businesses = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, "Small businesses"),
      eligibility_private_institutions_of_higher_education = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, "Private institutions of higher education"),
      eligibility_public_institutions_of_higher_education = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, "Public and State controlled institutions of higher education"),
      eligibility_public_indian_housing_authorities = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, stringr::fixed("Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities")),
      eligibility_others = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, stringr::fixed("Others (see text field entitled \"Additional Information on Eligibility\" for clarification)")),
      eligibility_unrestricted = stringr::str_detect(eligible_applicants, stringr::fixed("Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type of entity above), subject to any clarification in text field entitled \"Additional Information on Eligibility\""))
    ) |> 
    dplyr::relocate(additional_information_on_eligibility, .after = eligibility_unrestricted) |>
    dplyr::select(-eligible_applicants) |> 
    # Extract information about the various funding_instrument_types for easier filtering.
      funding_cooperative_agreement = stringr::str_detect(funding_instrument_type, "Cooperative Agreement"),
      funding_grant = stringr::str_detect(funding_instrument_type, "Grant"),
      funding_procurement_contract = stringr::str_detect(funding_instrument_type, "Procurement Contract"),
      funding_other = stringr::str_detect(funding_instrument_type, "Other")
    ) |> 
    dplyr::select(-funding_instrument_type) |> 
    # Clean up the CFDA numbers, at least somewhat.
      cfda_numbers = stringr::str_extract_all(cfda_number_s, "\\d{2}\\.\\d{3} -- \\D+") |> 
        purrr::map_chr(paste, collapse = " | ")
    ) |> 
    dplyr::select(-cfda_number_s) |>
    # Clean up the category_of_funding_activity, at least somewhat.
      category_agriculture = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Agriculture"),
      category_arts = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, stringr::fixed("Arts (see \"Cultural Affairs\" in CFDA)")),
      category_business = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Business and Commerce"),
      category_community_development = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Community Development"),
      category_consumer_protection = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Consumer Protection"),
      category_disaster = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Disaster Prevention and Relief"),
      category_education = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Education"),
      category_employment = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Employment, Labor and Training"),
      category_energy = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Energy"),
      category_environment = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Environment"),
      category_food = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Food and Nutrition"),
      category_health = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Health"),
      category_housing = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Housing"),
      category_humanities = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, stringr::fixed("Humanities (see \"Cultural Affairs\" in CFDA)")),
      category_iija = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, stringr::fixed("Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)")),
      category_income_security = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Income Security and Social Services"),
      category_info = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Information and Statistics"),
      category_law = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Law, Justice and Legal Services"),
      category_natural_resources = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Natural Resources"),
      category_opportunity_zone = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Opportunity Zone Benefits"),
      category_regional_development = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Regional Development"),
      category_science = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Science and Technology and other Research and Development"),
      category_transportation = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, "Transportation"),
      category_other = stringr::str_detect(category_of_funding_activity, stringr::fixed("Other (see text field entitled \"Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity\" for clarification)"))
    ) |> 
    dplyr::relocate(category_explanation, .after = category_other) |> 
    dplyr::select(-category_of_funding_activity) |> 

if (nrow(known_details)) {
  grant_opportunity_details <- 
    known_details |> 
    dplyr::bind_rows(grant_opportunity_details) |> 
    dplyr::arrange(opportunity_id, desc(version)) |> 
    dplyr::distinct(opportunity_id, .keep_all = TRUE)

  fs::path(working_dir, "grants.csv")
  fs::path(working_dir, "grant_opportunity_details.csv")