This creates an example Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server instance using the Pulumi Azure Native provider.
This will:
- Create a public PostgreSQL instance.
- Configure the PostgresSQL instance to require TLS.
- Enable automated backups.
- Set a random
account password. - Show how to connect to the created PostgreSQL instance using
For further managing the PostgreSQL instance, you could use:
- The postgresql Pulumi Package.
- The community.postgresql Ansible Collection as in rgl/ansible-init-postgres.
For equivalent examples see:
Install dependencies:
(see my ubuntu ansible azure-client role)node
(see my ubuntu ansible nodejs role)pulumi
(see my ubuntu ansible pulumi role)
Install more dependencies:
sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-client-14
npm ci
Login into Azure:
az login
List the subscriptions and select one of them:
az account list --all
az account set --subscription=<id>
az account show
Set the environment:
cat > <<'EOF'
export PULUMI_BACKEND_URL="file://$PWD" # NB pulumi will create the .pulumi sub-directory.
# login.
pulumi login
pulumi whoami -v
# create the dev stack.
pulumi stack init dev
# set the location.
pulumi config set azure-native:location northeurope
# set the zone.
# show the available zones in the given location.
az postgres flexible-server list-skus \
--location "$(pulumi config get azure-native:location)" \
| jq -r '.[].supportedServerEditions[].supportedServerSkus[].supportedZones[]' \
| sort -u
# NB make sure the selected location has this zone available. when its not
# available, the deployment will fail with InternalServerError.
pulumi config set example:zone 1
# provision.
# NB creating a PostgreSQL Flexible Server is very finicky. it might fail with
# InternalServerError because there is no capacity in the given region. try
# modifying the region and sku to see if it helps.
pulumi up
# provision in troubleshooting mode.
# NB for more information see the troubleshooting section in this document.
#pulumi up --logtostderr --logflow -v=9 2>pulumi.log
Connect to it:
# see
# see
cacerts_path="$(basename "$cacerts_url")"
wget "$cacerts_url" -O "$cacerts_path"
export PGSSLMODE='verify-full'
export PGSSLROOTCERT="$cacerts_path"
export PGHOST="$(pulumi stack output fqdn)"
export PGDATABASE='postgres'
export PGUSER='postgres'
export PGPASSWORD="$(pulumi stack output password --show-secrets)"
Execute example queries:
select version();
select current_user;
select case when ssl then concat('YES (', version, ')') else 'NO' end as ssl from pg_stat_ssl where pid=pg_backend_pid();
Exit the psql
Destroy everything:
pulumi destroy
Install the dependencies:
choco install -y azure-cli --version 2.51.0
choco install -y pulumi --version 3.78.1
choco install -y nodejs-lts --version 18.17.1
choco install -y postgresql15 --ia '--enable-components commandlinetools'
Import-Module "$env:ChocolateyInstall\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1"
npm ci
Login into Azure:
az login
List the subscriptions and select one of them:
az account list --all
az account set --subscription=<id>
az account show
Set the environment:
Set-Content -Encoding ascii secrets.ps1 @'
$env:PULUMI_BACKEND_URL = "file://$($PWD -replace '\\','/')" # NB pulumi will create the .pulumi sub-directory.
# login.
. .\secrets.ps1
pulumi login
pulumi whoami -v
# create the dev stack.
pulumi stack init dev
# set the location.
pulumi config set azure-native:location northeurope
# set the zone.
# show the available zones in the given location.
az postgres flexible-server list-skus `
--location "$(pulumi config get azure-native:location)"
# NB make sure the selected location has this zone available. when its not
# available, the deployment will fail with InternalServerError.
pulumi config set example:zone 1
# provision.
# NB creating a PostgreSQL Flexible Server is very finicky. it might fail with
# InternalServerError because there is no capacity in the given region. try
# modifying the region and sku to see if it helps.
pulumi up
# provision in troubleshooting mode.
# NB for more information see the troubleshooting section in this document.
#pulumi up --logtostderr --logflow -v=9 2>pulumi.log
Connect to it:
# see
# see
$cacertsUrl = ''
$cacertsPath = Split-Path -Leaf $cacertsUrl
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($cacertsUrl, $cacertsPath)
$env:PGSSLMODE = 'verify-full'
$env:PGSSLROOTCERT = $cacertsPath
$env:PGHOST = pulumi stack output fqdn
$env:PGDATABASE = 'postgres'
$env:PGUSER = 'postgres'
$env:PGPASSWORD = pulumi stack output password --show-secrets
Execute example queries:
select version();
select current_user;
select case when ssl then concat('YES (', version, ')') else 'NO' end as ssl from pg_stat_ssl where pid=pg_backend_pid();
Exit the psql
Destroy everything:
pulumi destroy
See the inner-sections for troubleshooting.
For more information see the Pulumi Troubleshooting page.
Install an HTTP proxy like HTTP Toolkit.
Configure the environment to use the http proxy:
sudo cp ~/Downloads/http-toolkit-ca-certificate.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo update-ca-certificates
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
export no_proxy='localhost,'
Provision in troubleshooting mode:
pulumi up --logtostderr --logflow -v=9 2>pulumi.log
- Pulumi Troubleshooting
- Pulumi Azure Native provider API documentation
- Azure rest-api specs postgresql examples
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL product page
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL pricing page
- Overview - Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server SKUs
- Encrypted connectivity using Transport Layer Security in Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server