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How matchID supercharges your powers with recipes

A recipe consist of steps of treatments made on rows and colums.
The dataset is scanned by chunks, which are loaded into a Pandas dataframe.
So a recipe is basically a treatment on a chunk from a dataframe, resulting into a transformed dataframe.

A recipe can call :

  • another recipe (and so one, recursively)
  • generic recipes (included in the core configuration, but constructed as recipes)
  • internals (map, join, eval, replace, keep, delete...) : included in the core code or can also be extended
  • the internal "eval" function gives access to create/modify columns based on a row function (e.g col1+col2) into recipes

Quick access to recipes and functions


Internals recipes


This recipe creates new columns to the dataframe, simply based on others.

- map:
	  matchid_date_birth_src: datasetAlpha_DATE_NAISSANCE
	  matchid_date_death_src: datasetAlpha_DATE_DECES
	  matchid_location:                      # in this mapping,
	    - datasetAlpha_COMMUNE_NAISSANCE              # ther result will be an array
	    - datasetAlpha_CODE_INSEE_NAISSANCE           # [ datasetAlpha_COMMUNE_NAISSANCE, datasetAlpha_CODE_INSEE_NAISSANCE ]


This recipe keeps only columns matching a regex, with an optional where condition :

- keep:
	  select: matchid_.*   # selection with a regexp
	  where : matchid_score>0.2             #eval-like python base expression

or in an explicit list :

- keep:
  	select:              # selection by list
	    - matchid_name_first
	    - matchid_name_last


This recipe deletes columns matching a regex :

- delete:
	  select: datasetAlpha.*    # selection with a regexp

or in an explicit list :

- delete:
  select:              # selection by list
    - datasetAlpha_NOM_PRENOMS
    - datasetAlpha_DATE_NAISSANCE


Renames columns of a dataframe :

- rename:
	source_column1: target_column1
	source_column2: target_column2


This is the swiss-knife recipe which evaluates a treatment row by row. A new column value will have a cell value computed with a python expression.

The values of the dataframe are accessible within the row array. A particular column value is available in row['column'] as in column.

Here's an example:

- eval:
	- matchid_name_first: matchid_name_first_src if (type(matchid_name_first_src)==list) else [matchid_name_first_src]
	- matchid_name_last: matchid_name_last_src if (type(matchid_name_last_src)==list) else [matchid_name_last_src]

Here are some of the implemented functions.


This methods applies regex on a selection of fields (matching itself a regex), in python style:

 - replace:
	select: matchid_location_city.*         # regex for selection
	regex:                                  # ordered list of regex
		- ^\s*(lyon|marseille|paris)\s.*$: '\1'
		- montreuil s.* bois: montreuil
		- (^|\s)ste(\s|$): '\1sainte\2'
		- (^|\s)st(\s|$): '\1saint\2'
		- ^aix pce$: aix provence


This method transforms a text to lowercase, removes accent and special characters on selected-by-regex fields :

- normalize:
	  select: matchid_location_city.*


This recipe is an helper for debugging a recipe. It ends prematurely the recipe, not excecuting following steps.

Complement helpers are a selection of fields (like keep) and of top rows (head) to limit the size of the treatment.

- pause:
	  select: matchid_location_city.*
	  head: 50


Fully shuffles the data (each column independtly) using np.random.permutation. Used for anonymization.


This recipe converts a selection-by-regex of columns from string to integers, fills not available value with NaN or a specified value.

- to_integer:
	  select: ^.*(population|surface).*
	  fillna: 0


This recipe converts a selection-by-regex of columns from string to floats, fills not available value with NaN or specified value.

- to_float:
	  select: ^.*(frequency|).*
	  fillna: 0


Converts a list to tuple, which can be used for indexing in a dataframe (e.g. groupby, etc.) for example.


Converts a tuple to a list.


Computes n-grams of selected columns

- ngram:
	  select: .*name.*
	  n: [2, 3, 4] # computes 2-grams, 3-grams and 4-grams


This recipe converts a selection-by-regex of columns from string to a date/time type :

- parsedate :
	  select: matchid_date_.*
	  format: "%Y%m%d"               # standard python datetime format for parsing   


This recipes acts like a SQL join, executed by chunks (so slower), tolerating fuzziness (so better).

This fuzzy join is either in-memory (to match to small referential datasets; ie <500k) or based on elasticsearch (for > 500k to > 100M).

** fuzzy, in-memory **

In the following example we try to match both city label (fuzzily), departement code (strictly) and country iso code (strictly) to recover citycode history of a city :

- join:
	  type : in_memory
	  dataset: french_citycodes_fuzzy    # referential dataset to match with
	    matchid_location_city_norm: norm_name
	    matchid_location_depcode: dep_code
	    matchid_location_countrycode: CODEISO3
	  select: # selected columns from outer dataset (right) mapped to current dataframe
	    matchid_location_citycode_history: insee_code_history
	    matchid_location_city: name
	    matchid_location_city_geopoint_2d: geopoint_2d

** simple join, in-memory **

This example is more frequent and easier but useful when you have multiple referential datasets (slower than a SQL join but can help to limit the number of in-between datasets) :

- join:
	  dataset: french_citycodes
	  type: in_memory
	    matchid_location_citycode: insee_code
	    matchid_location_citycode_history: insee_code_history

** large fuzzy match with elasticsearch **

This last example deals with the problem of big fuzzy match (up to millions against millions).

Of course you'll need a big cluster if you want to deal with many millions of matches in less than a week!

The fuzzy match just relies on pure elasticsearch queries transformed from json to yaml :

- join:
	  type: elasticsearch
	  dataset: matchid
	    size: 10
	    query:    # the uggly raw elasticsearch query
	          - bool:
	                - bool:
	                      - match:
	                            query: matchid_name_last_match
	                            fuzziness: auto
	                      - match:
	                          matchid_date_birth_str: matchid_date_birth_str
	                - bool:
	                      - match:
	                          matchid_name_match: matchid_name_last_match
	                      - match:
	                            query: matchid_date_birth_str
	                            fuzziness: 1
	              minimum_should_match: 1

The elasticsearch join can accept some configurations :

  • unfold: False (default True): each row return a bucket of potential matches.unfold splits this buckets into rows, like in a SQL-join operation. If unfold is False, buckets are returned raw to enable custom operations.
  • keep_unmatched: True (default: False) - if unfold is True, keep rows without a match (if unfold is False, no analysis of the bucket is done so all rows are kept).
  • unnest: False(default: True) - by default, the elasticsearch values are splitted into columns. If False, the raw elasticsearch hits are returned one by row but in a column 'hit' which contains the json.
  • prefix: myprefix_ (default: hit_) - customize prefix of the keys from the elasticsearch hits.


This recipe splits a selection-by-regex columns of arrays in to multiple rows, copying the content of the other columns :

- unfold:
	  select: ^hits        


This recipe splits a selection-by-regex columns of jsons to multiple columns, one by key value of the JSON and delete previous columns :

- unnest:
	  select: ^hits
	  prefix: hit_ #prefix with 'hit_' the keys for name the columns, default prefix is empty


Gathers the selected columns and value into a json in the target column :

- nest:
	  select: .*location.*
	  target: location

groupby (no chunks)

This computes a groupby and redispatchzq value across the group :

- groupby:
	  select: matchid_id
	    - score: max
	    - score: min
	    - score

This method should be used without chunks unless you're sure each member of groups fit in same chunk.

build_model (no chunks)

This methods applies only on a full dataset an should have the flag chunked: False in the input dataset, e.g :

      dataset: rnipp_agrippa
      chunked: False    # <== this is the option to unckunk your dataset

To build a model, here's the way:

- build_model:
	    name: rnipp_agrippa_ml         # the name as it will be stored in models/ et callable with "apply_model"
	    library: sklearn.ensemble      # library of ml (scikit learn)
	    method: RandomForestRegressor  # method of ml
	    parameters:                    # kwargs of the methods
	      n_estimators: 20
	      max_depth: 4
	      min_samples_leaf: 5
	    test_size: 0.33                # split size for train and test (here 67% for training and 33% for testing)
	    tries: 3                       # numbers of tries for this splitting (here 3 random splits) to test stability
	  numerical: .*(hit_score.*|population|surface|matchid_hit_distance)$
	  categorical: .*(matchid_location_countrycode)$
	  target: validation_decision      # name of the column to predict


To apply a model, you need to build one first or use a pre-trained one.

Models can only be applied to same data as in training aka same columns in the same order.

      - apply_model:
          name: rnipp_agrippa_ml                                              # name of the model to be applied
          numerical: .*(hit_score.*|population|surface|matchid_hit_distance)$ # selection-by-regex of numerical columns
          categorical: .*(matchid_location_countrycode)$                      # selection-by-regex of categorical columns
          target: matchid_hit_score_ml                                        # name of the column to save prediction

Eval functions

geopoint("POINT(lon, lat")

Maps a string POINT(lon, lat) to a numerical tuple (lat,lon).

distance((lat a, lon a), (lat b, lon b))

Calculates vincenty (from geopy.distance) distance between two wgs84 (lat,lon) tuples.

replace_dict(object, dic)

Replaces all values by key from dictionnary dic like {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} into object which can be a string, an array or a dictionnary (replace into values which strictly match).

replace_regex(object, dic)

Replaces all values by regex from dictionnary dic like {"regex1": "value1", "regex2": "value2"} into object which can be a string, a array or a dictionnary.


object may be either a string (or unicode) or an array of strings. For each string value, lower-cases the value, removes accents and special characters.


object may be either a string (or unicode) or an array of strings. For each string value, split with \s+ separator. nltk tokenizers could be integrated here later.


flattens the list, ie [[a,b],[c]] returns [a,b,c].


Computes the sha1 hash key of str(object).

levenshtein(str a, str b)

Computes levenshtein distance between string a and string b. Current version is just a wrapping.

levenshtein_norm(obj a, obj b)

Computes normalized levenshtein distance between string a and string b, or minimum of levenshtein_norm between list of strings a and list of strings b.

jw(obj a, obj b)

Compute minimum jaro-winkler distance between strings of list a and strings of list b.

ngrams(object a, n=[2,3])

Computes n-grams of string a (with n in a int list here [2,3]) or n-grams of strings in list a.