(C) R. Das, Stanford University 2019
This is a tiny sandbox for quickly modeling condensation of particles in a box to illustrate and understand some cool basic behaviors of biomolecular condensation:
- Ultrasensitivity
- Buffering [to do]
You need MATLAB to run it.
There are a couple of useful tools in here...
This computes the number of particles that remain free (vs. in a condensate) just assuming a simple model where:
- free particles (but not multimers) get a special
bonus (-2.0 kT) - particles going into larger and larger multimers get a probability weight proportional to
where K is like an equilibrium constant for going into the condensate and n is the multimer stoichiometry.
If you just type at MATLAB
>> simple_landscape_analysis
You'll see a sharp transition as K increases, when the total number of particles is N = 100:
You can see a less sharp transition if N is reduced to 20 (check out alternative parameters in simple_landscape_analysis.m
Actually simulate the grid of particles.
Just type in MATLAB
>> simulate_box
The default parameters simulate a 15x15 box, increasing the bond strength. Completing all 19 simulations takes about 10 minutes on a MacBook Pro (2.9GHz, i7).
Figure 1 show snapshots of the simulations as they are running.
After completion,
- Figure 1 shows the snapshot of the last simluation (which should be totally condensed)
- Figure 2 shows a scan of num_free with increasing bond strength. Should see a reasonably sharp transition:
- Figure 3 shows snapshots of all the different simulatios with increasing bond strength:
- Figure 4 is used to make a movie for K = 20. [Check the code for how to get other movies]