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linux VM on Azure


Name Description Type Default Required
assign_public_ip If true then assigns a public IP to the VM bool "false" no
env Environment to tag resources with string "default" no
location Azure Location for Resources string "eastus" no
name Moniker to apply to all resources in the module string n/a yes
private_ip_address_allocation Static or Dynamic string "Static" no
public_ip_allocation_method Static or Dynamic string "Static" no
resource_group_name Resource Group for bastion server string n/a yes
ssh_key Optional SSH key for VM string "" no
storage_image_reference storage_image_reference to specify VM image map(string) { "offer": "UbuntuServer", "publisher": "Canonical", "sku": "16.04-LTS", "version": "latest" } no
subnet_name Subnet for bastion server string n/a yes
tags User-Defined tags map(string) {} no
vm_size VM size for bastion server, see string "Standard_DS1_v2" no
vnet_name VNET containing subnet for bastion server string n/a yes


Name Description
nic nic resource object
ssh_key ssh private key to reach server
vm vm resource object


Thank you to @cytopia for the Makefile which allows us to generate the documentation. See