This repo contain an simulator of Memory Pagination Algorithm. This is an improve of the simulator created by SAMir SOLanki ( You can download the original code here
Follow is showed the original README.
Hello Programmers!!
1st of all, I am very thankful to download my code.
This code is actually useful who studies Operating System Subject.
I have implemented two algorithms of Page Replacement of this subject.
Please analyze output and code.
Main Class is in "".
Contact me for any quary:
If you want theme based look, contact me..
Thank you.
The original simulator have only two algorithms, FIFO and LRU, my improvement are include more two algorithms, LFU and OTIMO. Other improvmente I did is the change of the presentation. In the original, the sequence of proccess are ordened by the next to be substituted, but it turn the result dificult to understand, thinking in that I change the presentation to order the proccess in order it is included in the memory.
To conclude this project I will do the follow changes.
- Include MRU algo
- Change the process list input method to a unique list of integers
- Change the structure of the project to use OO (Object Oriented)
- Change the package structure
- Change the project to a JEE
- Use Maven to manage the dependencies
- Change the GUI to a web browser version
- Change the project to MVC pattern