This repository contains the work done within the course Image Analysis.
The directory reports
includes the exported PDF files of the MATLAB live text files, along side with the final report of the project.
List of topics:
- Gradient Histograms
- A SIFT-like Descriptor
- Digit Classification
- Using the SIFT code from vlfeat
List of topics:
- Leaning a Linear Classifier
- Training the Classifier
- Convolutional Neural Networks
List of topics:
- Minimum Correspondences
- Writing a Minimal Solver
- Computing Residuals
- Writing a RANSAC-based Solver
- Aligning Images
- Aligning Images with known orientation
- Warping
- Least Squares
List of topics:
- Using RANSAC
- Least Squares Triangulation
- Essential Matrix
List of topics:
- Model Design and Training
- Scale Space
- Non Maximum Suppression (NMS)
- NMS across Scale Levels
- Evaluation