- Review the way Spring Boot Kafka handles messages. We want to demonstrate that messages cannot be lost
- The SAGA actions are typically synchronous in nature. We should look at how we can use asynchronous code like WebClient
- Use Spring Request Reply Template for Saga @KafkaListener(...) @SendTo(...) The API listener will still need to listen to all partitions so that the response goes to the correct server
- Provide a custom Acknowledge object that only acks topic/partition offsets in sequence. It needs to follow these rules:
- The amount of outstanding acks on a topic should have an upper limit (say 50 per partition). Any attempts to get a Acknowledge object with more than 50 outstanding acks on this partition should block (to provide a WIP limit)
- The Acknowledge.ack() method should return a Mono to indicate that processing is finished for this message
- How do we handle subscriptions? How do we ensure that 2 messages with the same key are not processed at the same time?
- We will need to add an annotation to configure the listener. @AsyncListener(maxOutstandingAcksPerPartition = 20, blockMessagesWithSameKey = true) It will need to register as a topicPartitionChangeListener so that the listener knows which topics are assigned to the listener. If a rebalance occurs then acks on a lost topic should emit an error()
NOTE: @AsyncListener should allow us to mix synchronous and asynchronous processing. We can use JPA to write to the database then call a WebClient endpoint and finally ACK the message.
Server Send Events (SSE) - Can be used to replace long polling (which creates a new connection for every pull)
Reactive Kafka - Reactive API for Kafka based on project Reactor. https://projectreactor.io/docs/kafka/release/reference/#_introduction
create a feature/reactive branch that uses the Reactive APIs
Conduktor - Desktop interface for Kafka.