OpenViewer is a two-part web application comprised of OpenViewer itself (a frontend for OpenStack) and NotSoKinD (a frontend for Kubernetes).
- Login, logout, and switch between different projects
- Create, update, delete and list block storage
- Create, delete, and list images
- List networks, pools, and ports
- Create, delete, and list floating IPs
- Create, delete, and list instances
- Start and stop instances
- Manage instance high-availability settings (requires Masakari)
- Orchestrate web services (requires Heat)
- Login and logout with bearer tokens
- Create, delete, and list namespaces
- Create, update, delete and list deployments
- List pods and containers within
- Create, update, delete and list services
- Create, delete, and list horizontal pod autoscalers (with resource or custom metrics)
Clone this repository into your local machine and run npm install
In order to install and run this application, you must have:
Please refer to each of these components’ documentation for further details.
You will also need an OpenStack cluster and/or a Kubernetes cluster.
To compile and hot-reload use npm run serve
To compile for production use npm run build
This software was developed by João Godinho (@cat5e), Patricia Rodrigues (@zdzaz) and Ricardo Lopes (@ricardoapl).
OpenViewer is available under the terms of the MIT License.