This projet does an Exploratory Data Analysis (and some simple predictions) of the dataset made available by the brazilian Ministry of Health, that contains daily numbers on infections and death for brazilian states. The idea was to have more insights for the COVID-19 status in Brazil and Rio de Janeiro, where the author lives.
Ricardo Szczerbacki
COVID19-DataAnalysisForBrazil.ipynb: jupiter notebook file for the data analysis.
FileDownload.ipynb: jupiter notebook file that access the Ministry of Health website (, simulates the click and download the dataset file in an automatic way (used for the site update automation).
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Dataset file was originally downloaded the site of the brazilian Ministry of Health. The last dataset evaluated can be also downloaded from the project site:
The final HTML generated by the jupyter notebook file is availabe in
This project is published on GitHub at