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This code was used to collect, process, and validate the REFLACX (Reports and Eye-Tracking Data for Localization of Abnormalities in Chest X-rays) dataset


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Code for REFLACX dataset

This code was used to collect, process, and validate the REFLACX (Reports and Eye-Tracking Data for Localization of Abnormalities in Chest X-rays) dataset. This dataset contains 3,032 cases of eye-tracking data collected while a radiologist dictated reports for images from the MIMIC-CXR dataset, paired and synchronized with timestamped transcriptions of the dictations. It also contains manual labels for each image, including bounding boxes localizing the lungs+heart and labels (image-level abnormalities and localization of abnormalities through drawn ellipses) used to validate algorithms that find implicit localization of abnormalities from eye-tracking + transcription. The dataset is available through PhysioNet. A paper describing the dataset in more detail is available at

How to use this code

The code is organized in 4 folders. pre_processing_or_sampling_or_ibm_training, interface_src, and post_processing_and_dataset_generation are provided to show how our dataset was collected, and their scripts might need changes to hard-coded code to adapt it to different needs of data collection. examples_and_paper_numbers is provided to show how to get the numbers used to validate the publicly available dataset and a few examples of how to use it. All scripts have to be run from inside their respective folders and, unless differently instructed, should be run using a Python environment satisfying the requirements listed below.

Below we provide a short description of each folder and the recommended order for running scripts. The provided paths are relative to each of the folders.


Code used to generate information needed for running data-collection sessions.

To get the list of images to show to radiologists:

  1. Place tables from the MIMIC-CXR and MIMIC-CXR-JPG dataset in ../datasets/mimic/tables/
  2. Run generate_mimic_image_lists_per_user.m
  3. Run download_mimic_files_from_list.m
  4. Run copy_list_to_folder_for_checking.m
  5. Manually find, between the sampled images listed in the images_check_rectangle/ folder, excessively rotated images, clearly flipped images, images with anonymizing rectangles intersecting the lungs, images with a large part of the lungs missing.
  6. Run exclude_images_from_list.m

To train the speech-to-text model:

  1. Place reports from the MIMIC-CXR dataset (files folder) in ../datasets/mimic/reports/
  2. Run
  3. Put the credentials of the IBM Watson account in credentials/ibm_credentials_sci.json (check the get_credentials function for the needed keywords)
  4. Run

For a list of expressions used as a sign that a sentence in a report referred to another study, check the list_of_unwanted_expressions variable in Sentences with any of these expressions were not used in the training of the IBM Watson Speech to Text models. Sentences with characters that were not whitespaces, comma, letters or hyphens were also excluded.

For a list of transcription errors automatically corrected before the editing by the radiologists, check the replace_dict variable in ../interface_src/scripts/


To start the MATLAB interface for data collection, initialize MATLAB with theptb3-matlab command line command and run interface/xray_et.m.

Quick instructions for the use of the interface

  • The meaning of each argument from the interface configuration window is commented at the beginning of the interface/xray_et.m script.
  • Instructions for what to do on each screen are displayed by the interface.
  • Use the "Save And Exit" button to exit the interface properly. Alt + E exits the interface when in the middle of a case, but, when used, data is not fully saved for that case. Avoid clicking Ctrl + C because it may make the interface unresponsive.
  • Cases with red warnings on the last screen should be discarded.
Chest x-rays
  • The right mouse button controls windowing. Dragging the mouse up and down controls window width, while left and right controls window level.
  • The middle mouse wheel or up/down arrow control zooming.
  • Drag with the middle mouse button for panning.
  • Drag with the left mouse button to draw ellipses and bounding boxes, when available.
Dictation screen
  • Punctuations have to be dictated: comma, period, and slash.
  • Audio recording is automatic.
Text editing
  • Drag with the left mouse button to select.
  • Click the left mouse button to change the cursor position.
  • Double click the left mouse button to select a word.
  • Use Ctrl + z to undo.
  • Use Ctrl + a to redo.
  • Use Ctrl + q to cut.
  • Use select + deselect to copy.
  • Use the right mouse button to paste.
  • Use arrows to navigate the cursor.
Drawing ellipses
  • Ellipses are not mandatory for "Support Devices" and "Other" labels.
  • The certainty of previous bounding boxes is shown in the upper left corner of the screen with the following code:
    • 1 for "Unlikely"
    • 3 for "Less Likely"
    • 5 for "Possibly"
    • 7 for for "Suspicious for/Probably"
    • 9 for "Consistent with".
  • Click out of the ellipse you are currently drawing to reset it.
  • The next screen button is disabled if an ellipse is being edited but is not saved.


Code used to generate the dataset from the collected data:

  1. Place the folders of the experiments to be transformed into the dataset inside the folders ../anonymized_collected_data/phase_1, ../anonymized_collected_data/phase_2, and ../anonymized_collected_data/phase_3
  2. Run
  3. Manually create the discard_cases.csv file, listing the cases to discard for all reasons, with columns trial (int), user (string), and phase (int)
  4. Run and
  5. Editing the generated tables, manually correct and standardize the transcriptions and "Other" labels, placing the corresponding tables in ../anonymized_collected_data/phase_<phase>/
  6. Run
  7. Run,, and
  8. Run
  9. Run


Code used to validate the dataset's quality and provide some examples of how to use it. Before running any script, modify the file to reflect your local setup.

To validate the presence of localization information in the eye-tracking data:

  1. Run
  2. Run

To calculate the agreement between radiologists in terms of manual labeling, run

image_all_paths.txt is a list of the images from the MIMIC-CXR dataset from which displayed chest x-rays were sampled.

To get the statistics for the image_all_paths.txt images, run and

To produce the temporal correlation graph (Figure 4), run, followed by We provide the file manually_labeled_reports_3.csv containing the manually-labeled abnormality mention locations in the reports to generate the graph. The modified chexpert-labeler, provided in the folder chexpert-labeler, was used for faster manual labeling following:

  • generate the labels of the reports from the REFLACX dataset using the modified chexpert-labeler, running;
  • follow the instruction in chexpert-labeler/ to create a new Python environment and run python chexpert-labeler/ --reports_path=phase_3.csv --output_path=labeled_reports_3.csv;
  • labels from 200 random cases in the generated labeled_reports_3.csv were manually corrected to match the contents of the reports.

The tables used to calculate some of the numbers shown in the paper are in tables_calculations/. These tables were modified from the csv files generated by other scripts.

We also provide examples of:

  • how to load tables of manual labels from the dataset:
  • how to normalize the chest position using the chest bounding box:
  • how DICOMs were loaded and modified (windowing, zooming, panning) for display:,
  • how to calculate the shown brightness corresponding to the chest x-ray:
  • how to generate attention heatmaps from the eye-tracking data:
  • how to filter fixations by position:
  • how to load the fixations and transcription tables:

The following scripts need additional data not provided with the public dataset:

  •, which depends on the output from ../post_processing_and_dataset_generation/ and was used to calculate the average and maximum error values for the calibrations.
  •, used to generate a video showing interface use through all screens of a case, with all portions recorded by the MATLAB interface.



  • Python 3.7.7
  • numpy 1.19.1
  • pandas 1.1.1
  • librosa 0.8.0
  • statsmodels 0.12.2
  • shapely 1.7.1
  • scikit-image 0.17.2
  • pyrubberband 0.3.0
  • pydicom 2.1.2
  • pydub 0.24.1
  • soundfile 0.10.3.post1
  • pyttsx3 2.90
  • pillow 8.0.1
  • scikit-learn 0.23.2
  • nltk 3.5
  • syllables 1.0.0
  • moviepy 1.0.3
  • opencv 3.4.2


  • edfapi 3.1
  • EYELINK II CL v5.15
  • Eyelink GL Version 1.2 Sensor=AC7
  • EDF2ASC 3.1


  • MATLAB R2019a
  • Psychtoolbox 3.0.17
  • Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
  • espeak 1.48.04
  • ffmpeg 3.4.8
  • rubberband-cli 1.8.1

Citing this repository

If you use the dataset, please follow the citation instructions available at

If you use this software, please cite a Zenodo release: DOI


This code was used to collect, process, and validate the REFLACX (Reports and Eye-Tracking Data for Localization of Abnormalities in Chest X-rays) dataset







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