StackOverflow Tweaks Tool is a browser extension made for developers. The extension provides a small control panel where you can customize the view of the StackOverflow question pages. It works on both Chromium and Firefox.
The correct answer, if any, will be highlighted with a green background.
If the answer is correct, a button will be added in the question header, next to the "ask a question" button. When you click the new button, the page will scroll to the correct answer.
Add a button in the question header. When you click the new button, the page will scroll to the most voted answer.
An "#" will appear next to each answer. By clicking it the link of that answer will be copied on your clipboard.
A button will appear in the top-right corner of any code block. By clicking it the content of the block will be copied on your clipboard.
Now you can hide the navigation and tooltip bars, so that nothing can distract you.
You can find the extension on the Chrome Web Store and on the Firefox add-ons page.
Clone the repository, then run the following command to install dependencies and make a buid.
npm i && npm run build
⚠️ Run npm run build firefox if you want to build the Firefox version.
Now, go to your browser's extensions page, then turn on developer mode and load the src directory by clicking "load unpacked". Visit this page for more information on how to manually install an unpacked extension.
All help is welcome! Read the contribution guidelines for more info on submitting a PR or opening an issue.
Special thanks to Dorotea Iob for designing the extension logo.
StackOverflow Tweaks Tool is provided under the MIT license.