Re-run exercise 5.
- create a TemperatureKey and Temperature classes
- create a temperature topic
bin/kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create \
--partitions 2 \
--replication-factor 2 \
--topic temperature
- define a SerDe, i.e., Serializer and Deserializers
A KafkaStream application typically does both the tasks, so you must implement them both of them and a wrapper class
public class TemperatureSerde implements Serde<Temperature>...
You can re-use you previously defined serializers and deserializers from exercise 5
Calculating the average temperature per room.
This suggests we need to keep a local count and then a total sum finally divide it.
Clearly a stateful computation
Can we do this in one-pass?
- Let's introduce an helper structure Tuple (Long,Long)
- We can group across the stream per key
Sub-topology: 0
Source: KSTREAM-SOURCE-0000000000 (topics: [temperature])
--> KSTREAM-MAPVALUES-0000000001
Processor: KSTREAM-MAPVALUES-0000000001 (stores: [])
--> KSTREAM-AGGREGATE-0000000003
<-- KSTREAM-SOURCE-0000000000
Processor: KSTREAM-AGGREGATE-0000000003 (stores: [KSTREAM-AGGREGATE-STATE-STORE-0000000002])
--> KTABLE-MAPVALUES-0000000004
<-- KSTREAM-MAPVALUES-0000000001
Processor: KTABLE-MAPVALUES-0000000004 (stores: [])
--> KTABLE-TOSTREAM-0000000005
<-- KSTREAM-AGGREGATE-0000000003
Processor: KTABLE-TOSTREAM-0000000005 (stores: [])
--> KSTREAM-PRINTER-0000000006
<-- KTABLE-MAPVALUES-0000000004
Processor: KSTREAM-PRINTER-0000000006 (stores: [])
--> none
<-- KTABLE-TOSTREAM-0000000005