If you ever wanted to get started learning gcc C for creating IBM i PASE apps in less than 5 minutes, then here you go.
Install gcc yum packages from IBM i ACS Open Source Package Management
Package list:
Open a SSH/bash terminal window and run the following commands to create the empty hello.c file
export PATH
cd /
mkdir gccsamples
cd /gccsamples
touch hello.c
From your favorite bash or IFS editor, create and edit the hello.c file in /gccsamples/hello.c and add the following code
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("Hello World\n");
Save the source member and compile the hello program with the following commands
cd /gccsamples
gcc -o hello hello.c
Now run the program by typing the following
hello <press enter>
You should see
Hello World
Congratulations you're on your way to learning gcc
gcc reference docs https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/
Let me know if you have a favorite gcc sample or documentation link.