Create a survey and embed in your website. Live Demo is master branch
Uses Laravel, VueJS, Vuex, Vue.Draggable Bulma
Map out database in an ERD -
Auth -
Tests and backend for creating a new survey -
Refactor vuejs to use vuex for shared state -
Tests and backend for saving a new survey -
Frontend for creating a new survey -
Frontend for saving a new survey -
Validation tests / server side for new survey -
Client side validation for new survey -
List user surveys tests / backend / frontend -
Edit survey tests / backend / frontend -
Update suvey tests / backend / frontend -
refactor - inserts for performance / extract out of controllers
refactor - DRY vue / vuex -> modules, pull client side validation into top level component for style / options tabs
API for completing survey via embedded script on client site - tests / backend
Frontend script for embedded widget
lock a survey to domain(s)
live preview for desktop + preview button for mobile
mobile only - remove drag/drop and replace with dropdown
publish a survey
enable downloading of results
UI for customising appearance of embedded widget
scheduled clean up script for soft-deleted questions / options that don't already have answers submitted
logic / branching (if this option chosen, proceed to x) ?
laravel dusk ?
SaaS ?