Implementation of the wifi370 protocol to connect cheap RGB ledstrips to pimatic using a esp8266. Currently this repository contains the following:
- Lua scripts to run on NodeMCU firmware
- Eagle PCB schematic & board layout
- Install pimatic and the excellent pimatic-led-light plugin
- Install NodeMCU on the esp8266, connect it to your wifi & upload the lua scripts (ESPlorer is a nice tool to do this)
For the pimatic-led-light configuration, use wifi370 as the device parameter. It's probably a good idea to set up your router's DHCP server so your esp8266 will get the same IP address every time.
There's a PCB schematic & board layout in the repository. The PCB contains the ESP-03, a voltage regulator, a power input & 3 logic gate MOSFETs to control the RGB channels of the ledstrip. See my blog at for a more detailed explanation.
I recorded a demonstration video, you can watch it here.
I am aware of VVS, it was just easier to get everything on screen and use my mouse at the same time =]
- The PWM output sometimes glitches due to being software-based PWM. It only really flickers when moving from one color to another.
- The output color is stored in the esp8266's flash memory. The pimatic-led-light UI can output a lot of values in a short amount of time which leads to lots of writes to the flash memory. I am unsure if this will be a problem and if the esp8266's flash can become corrupt. Use at your own risk.
- The on-off state might not always be in the correct state, as the wifi370 protocol implementation is very basic.