BSU Capstone senior project - Structured Text Interpreter
From inside st_interpret directory:
Install cargo-c into cargo for automatic C header file and build management:
$ cargo install cargo-c
It then can be built by calling:
$ cargo cbuild
Tests can be run by calling:
$ cargo ctest
After calling cargo cbuild, the library file can be found in the target folder.
Load a Structured Text program from a file.
Arguments: filename - the name of the file to load
Step forward one line in the program.
Arguments: program_handle
Run the whole program
Arguments: program_handle
Retrieve all the currently in scope variables and return an iterator.
Arguments: program_handle
Retrieve a variable with the given name.
Arguments: program_handle, name - the name of the variable to retrieve
update_var(program_handle: &mut ProgHandle, name: &str, new_value: VariableValue) -> InterpreterResult<()>
Change the value of a variable.
Arguments: program_handle, name - the name of the variable to update, new_value - the new value for the variable
add_var(program_handle: &mut ProgHandle, name: String, kind: VariableKind, value: VariableValue) -> InterpreterResult<()>
Add a new variable.
Arguments: program_handle, name - the name of the variable to add, Kind - the kind of variable, Value - the value for the variable
Loads a ST program from a file and returns a pointer to a program handle
Arguments: filename - the name of the file to load
Executes one line of a program then returns true if the program has finished execution and false otherwise.
Arguments: program_handle - a pointer to a program handle that was generated by st_program_load
Runs an entire ST program.
Arguments: program_handle - a pointer to a program handle that was generated by st_program_load
Returns a linked list of all the currently in scope variables.
Arguments: program_handle - a pointer to a program handle that was generated by st_program_load
get_var(program_handle: &ProgHandlePointer, name: *mut c_char) -> Option<Box> Looks for a variable with the given name, and returns it if found. Arguments: program_handle - a pointer to a program handle that was generated by st_program_load name - the name of the variable
update_var(program_handle: &mut ProgHandlePointer, name: *const c_char, value_type: *const c_char, value: *const c_char)
Updates a variable with a new value.
Arguments: program_handle - a pointer to a program handle that was generated by st_program_load, name - the name of the variable, value_type - the type of the variable, value - the new value for the variable
add_var(program_handle: &mut ProgHandlePointer, name: *const c_char, kind: *const c_char, value_type: *const c_char, value: *const c_char)
Adds a new variable with the given value.
Arguments: program_handle - a pointer to a program handle that was generated by st_program_load, name - the name of the variable, kind - the kind of variable, value_type - the type of the variable, value - the new value for the variable
Passes the strings in the VariableNameInfo struct back to Rust code so that the memory can be managed. This needs to be called in order to avoid a memory leak. The strings should not be freed in the C code. More information can be found here:
Arguments: var_name_info - the struct to destroy