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Authorize URI extension

This extension provides utility methods to build URI for OAuth authorization purpose.

var rc = new RestClient(...);

var authorizeUriExtension = new AuthorizeUriExtension(...);
await rc.InstallExtension(authorizeUriExtension);
var uri = authorizeUriExtension.BuildUri(new AuthorizeRequest
    redirect_uri = "http://localhost:3000/callback",
    state = "myState"


Please refer to the TypeScript SDK documentation for more information. These two SDKs are very similar.

In short, when you invoke the BuildUri method, if you can pass in a code_challenge_method property with value "S256", the method will auto generate codeVerifer and code_challenge for you. codeVerifier is accessible via authorizeUriExtension.codeVerifier after the method is called. code_challenge is included in the URI.

Please note that, if you are using PKCE, you should not specify clientSecret, leave it as null. It will not break your app if you specify a clientSecret, but it defeats the purpose of PKCE.

More documentation

This extension is inspired by its TypeScript counterpart , check its documentation for more information.