In this repository, we discuss about how to deploy the NuGraph2 & NuGraph3 networks at Fermilab using triton's python-backend interface. We provide the necessary code and libraries required for the setup and the commands to run the client and server side for running inference. The client side is implemented in Python, standalone C++ and C++ with larsoft & Nusonic framework at Fermilab.
Server Side: In the server side, we recieve the data from the client for the - particle_table and spacepoint_table. We then carry out the pre-processing necessary for creating a HeteroData Object as input for the Nugraph2/NuGraph3 network. We then pass the pre-processed HeteroData Graph object through the saved checkpoint NuGraph3 model which we already have loaded via pytorch-lightning. After getting the output from the model, we send the results back to the client.
Client Side: In the client side, we first convert the read the H5 file/tables and flatten them into the necessary dictionary format of lists/vectors that triton expects as part of the configuration file (config.pbtxt). After doing so we create InferInput objects and create HTTP/GRPC connection between the triton-server hosted at the local machine/EAF-sever and the client end. After doing so we send these InferInput objects to the server for inference. Once the inference is complete we get back the results at the client and display/save them.
We provide with the installation steps using both pip and conda. It is preferred to use conda-environment, especially when working with the eaf-server.
Step 1: Install Docker using the following line:
Step 2: Pulling and Running the triton server image for docker
docker pull<xx.yy>-py3
docker run --shm-size=1g --ulimit memlock=-1 -p 8000:8000 -p 8001:8001 -p 8002:8002 --ulimit stack=67108864 -v "$(pwd)":/mnt -ti<xx.yy>-py3
where <xx.yy> is triton version, eg - 24.05
Step3: Cloning the triton-python-backend-nugraph3 repo inside the docker container
git clone
Step 4: Starting the triton server for sending inference request (models-folder should be accessible from within the container and should follow the triton-expected format. Also, first install all the libraries using pip/conda)
- Using same version of python as python-stub of triton (3.10) with all libraries are installed in base environment via pip
cd triton-python-backend-nugraph3/
tritonserver --model-repository gnn_models_pip/
- Using same version of python as python-stub of triton (3.10) with all libraries installed in numl conda environment via pip
cd triton-python-backend-nugraph3/
tritonserver --model-repository gnn_models_conda/
Step 1: Pulling and Running the triton server docker image via apptainer
apptainer pull<xx.yy>-py3
apptainer exec tritonserver_xx.yy-py3.sif /bin/bash
where <xx.yy> is triton version, eg - 24.05
Step3: Cloning the triton-python-backend-nugraph3 repo inside the apptainer
git clone
Step 4: Starting the triton server for sending inference request (models-folder should be accessible from within the container and should follow the triton-expected format. Also, first install all the libraries using pip/conda)
- Using same version of python as python-stub of triton (3.10) with all libraries are installed in base environment via pip
cd triton-python-backend-nugraph3/
tritonserver --model-repository gnn_models_pip/
- Using same version of python as python-stub of triton (3.10) with all libraries installed in numl conda environment via pip
cd triton-python-backend-nugraph3/
tritonserver --model-repository gnn_models_conda/
To run the triton-server, install the following libraries in the base environment of the docker container -
git clone
pip install --no-deps -e ./nugraph/nugraph
pip install pytorch_lightning
pip install pynuml
pip install matplotlib pynvml seaborn
To run the triton-server, install the following libraries in the base environment of the apptainer -
git clone
pip install --no-deps -e ./nugraph/nugraph --prefix /exp/uboone/data/users/rsinghal
pip install pytorch_lightning --prefix /exp/uboone/data/users/rsinghal
pip install pynuml --prefix /exp/uboone/data/users/rsinghal
pip install matplotlib pynvml seaborn --prefix /exp/uboone/data/users/rsinghal
Exporting the python-path (necessary step)-
export PYTHONPATH=/exp/uboone/data/users/rsinghal/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH
To run the triton-server, create conda environment "numl" inside the docker container and then install necessary libraries inside the environment -
Step 1: Install miniforge using the mambaforge variant
Step 2: Creating conda environment "numl" with python version 3.10 to be compatible with triton's python-stub version
conda create -n "numl" python=3.10
conda activate numl
Step 3: Cloning nugraph repo and this repo and install nugraph along with its dependencies
git clone
git clone
pip install ./nugraph/nugraph
Step 4: Downgrade numpy version to 1.26.4. It is important to downgrade the numpy version to maintain compatibility
pip install numpy==1.26.4
Step 5: Install conda-pack in "numl" environment and then copy the activate script to the environment's bin. Also, add the EXECUTION_ENV_PATH to the config.pbtxt file of model
conda install conda-pack
cp /root/miniforge3/envs/numl/lib/python3.10/site-packages/conda_pack/scripts/posix/activate /root/miniforge3/envs/numl/bin
parameters: {
value: {string_value: "/root/miniforge3/envs/numl"}
Install conda-pack in "numl" environment and then pack the environment as numl.tar.gz file inside nugraph3/ & nugraph2/ folders. Also, add the EXECUTION_ENV_PATH of the tar.gz file to config.pbtxt file
conda install conda-pack
cd triton-python-backend-nugraph3/gnn_models/nugraph3/
parameters: {
value: {string_value: "$$TRITON_MODEL_DIRECTORY/numl.tar.gz"}
We setup the client-side in - Python, standalone C++ and C++ with LarSoft framework + Nusonic. It is preferred to use the C++ with LarSoft framework + Nusonic for faster inference without saving the event file and simplified user interface and easy code maintainence.
To send inference request from Python-client, we first read the H5 data file and then send the processed dictionary input for inference and display the results.
Libraries needed to run the python client file -
pip install tritonclient[all]
pip install pandas
pip install numpy
To run the python-based client on HTTP (nugraph2 & nugraph3), run the following commands after cloning this repo in your working directory -
cd python_backend_scripts/
To run the python-based client on GRPC (nugraph2 & nugraph3), run the following commands after cloning this repo in your working directory -
cd python_backend_scripts/
To setup the standalone C++ client side for triton, we are working within the UPS environment where we install the necessary client side libraries for interacting with the Nugraph2/Nugraph3 model deployed at the eaf-server. The setup commands for the UPS environment & running the C++ based client on GRPC are as follows (First clone this repo):
NOTE: Ensure that you first setup the Apptainer and export UPS_OVERRIDE!
Setup the UPS environment(replace the source /products/setup command with whatever you use to set up the UPS products)
source /products/setup
setup cetbuildtools v8_20_00
setup triton v2_25_0d -q e26
setup grpc v1_35_0c -q e26
Building the executable for the client file
cd testclient/build
source ../src/ups/setup_for_development -p
buildtool -c
After building, your executable will be in: ./build/
Running client-side inference using grpc over the eaf-server
cd testclient/src/
Code and instructions related to this setup is available at -
In the current release version of HitGraphProducer class of pynuml repo, the constructor requires file:'', which is not possible since pre-processing is happening at the server end and we don't have access to the h5 file there for that event. Hence, as an hack we had to make our own HitGraphProducer class which doesn't have h5 file as one of the constructor's arguement. Apart from that we add a create_graph() in that class which pre-processes the input sent from the client for inference.
In the EventLabels class in nugraph repo, we first need to check if data["evt"] has attribute 'y' or not. This is because during inference we won't have access to the ground truth labels of the event. Hence, we have added an if-condition to first check if 'y' is present as an attribute inside of data['evt'] or not.
In the current verison of in nugraph repo, we are calculating loss after computing the inference results in the step() function. However, in inference we don't have acccess to the ground truth y-labels, hence we can't calculate loss. Thus, as an hack we have commented the loss computation step in our code. But, I think we should add a boolean argument in the step function which flags out the loss computation during inference.
Furthermore, to easily access the updated HeteroData object(data) which stores the inference result - we create a class attribute termed data in both and via which we can access the inference result and send that to the client.
We did a timing performance analysis(pre-processing + ML inference time) of the triton server-client interaction using the larsoft setup in c++. We used 6 events and compute the inference time using "chrono" library for both normal triton and Nusonic triton setup. We did this analysis for with and without GPU at the EAF and also did an analysis by running the triton server on the GPVM inside the apptainer(no GPU). Furthermore we also compared against the baseline of CPU inference in the gpvm with jit model. To get the avg timing results, run the in the larrecodnn repo.
Some of the interesting results we observe are as follows-
Triton-gpu - 0.12s, Nusonic-gpu - 0.11s
Triton-cpu - 0.52s, Nusonic-cpu - 0.58s
Triton-cpu - 9.50s ,Nusonic-cpu - 10.61s
Inference-cpu time - 0.39s (54th record, i.e., 387th event couldn't get pre-processed for c++ delaunator operation)
When we run the performance tests using the EAF-server with and without GPU, we clearly see that avg runtime inference with GPU is better than with CPU for both normal triton and NuSonic triton setup.
We observe that CPU inference for EAF-server is slightly faster than the Apptainer, i.e., remote inferennce is better than local machine inference. Also, Apptainer is slower because server and client both are running on the same CPUs - thereby more inference time.
We clearly see that avg runtime for Triton-based GPU Inference on the EAF is faster than CPU inference on GPVM using JIT model. And its comparable to CPU based inference on the EAF.
This is evidently true because since all the computations happen on the CPU for both of them. In case of EAF/Apptainer there are extra constraints of network latency and time to send and recieve the data packets to and fro from the server-client.
In the previous implementation of NuSonic, it assumed that inputs have to be of fixed size in every batch. However, that is not true for NuGraph where in every batch the inputs can be of different shapes. Hence, in the config file we keep the shape as "-1". So, to successfully have NuSonic working we create InferInput() objects by checking the shape of the given input instead of from the config file. But, this is a temporary solution because if later we want to support batching with batch-size>1 for NuGraph, we will have to set InferInput() objects with different shapes for every input in the batch. Therefore, this issue needs to be addresseed in future iterations of NuSonic Triton.
To setup the triton server inside the Apptainer of the gpvm machine, we have to pull the docker image and it gets converted to ".sif" format. However, the time to do this is approximately 3-4hrs which is an absurd amount of time. Thus, we need to look for alternatives for this.
While running inference using the JIT model on the CPU, the reading/pre-processing part of the code is stuck for the 54th record(387th event). Needs to be looked into later on why it is stuck. After some debugging the possible problem is the in the Delunator calculation.
- We would also want to run more scalability tests of the triton-inference setup. Some other tests worth considering could be -
- Analyse the breakdown of the measured time (time to send and receive input-output data, pre-processing time, inference time and other network latency parameters)
- Understand why the Apptainer inference time is so bad
- Performance analysis when multiple clients are sending request at once
- Make the code adaptable to batch size > 1 by using the InferMulti() function at the C++ client end. And then do a performance analysis for varying batch sizes during inference.