THIS PROJECT IS BASED ON E-LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. A Java Spring Boot application that has the functionalities of Vendor, Learner and Admin roles in the E-Learning Management System.
Each Vendor can add the courses offered and the admin can also act as a vendor for the lending the courses in the application. Learner can buy the courses that are offered by the vendor by a payment method of credit card and the validation of credit card is not done. Admin can manage the courses that are available and can also activate the Users who have registered in the application.
Each view page is made with the use of Java Server Pages (JSP) and forms are validated while submission through the validate method in the JSP pages and Entities.
Build System that is used in the project is Maven and Database used is MYSQL database.
Each view is created in JSP and repositories are maintained by the use of JPARepository to the use of model in the application Development.