A lightweight database for small scale projects, simple to use and deploy, uses json file to store data.
npm i light-db-json
The package includes two types of storage, Database which stores data as key - value/object pair as well as wrapper to create Collections which stores data as array of documents.
const { Database } = require('light-db-json');
const db = new Database();
db.set('activeUsers', 1000);
db.set('admin.username', 'ritcode');
db.set('admin.firstName', 'Ritesh')
db.has('admin'); // true
db.has('admin.username'); // true
db.has('admin.firstName'); // true
db.has('admin.age'); // false
db.has('admin.firstName'); // false
db.get('admin.username'); // 'ritcode'
db.get('deveoper.name'); // undefined
db.toJSON(); // { activeUsers: 1000, admin: { username: 'ritcode' } }
const { Database } = require('light-db-json');
const db = new Database();
const Developers = db.createCollection('developers');
Developers.insert({ name: 'Ritesh', location: "India" });
Developers.insert({ name: 'Charles', age: 25, location:"Australia" });
Developers.insert({name: "Sia", location:"Poland", skills:["Nodejs", "react.js", "UI/UX"]});
d => d.age = 20, // what to update
target => target.name === 'Sia' // which documents to update
Developers.get(d => d.name === 'Ritesh'); // { name: 'Ritesh', location: "India" }
Developers.get(d => d.age > 18); // [{ name: 'Charles', age: 25, location:"Australia" }, { name: 'Sia', location:"Poland", skills:["Nodejs", "react.js", "UI/UX"] , age: 20 }]
Developers.delete( d => d.name == "Charles" ) // use with caution as it will delete all if no filter specified
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