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57 lines (37 loc) · 1.67 KB

File metadata and controls

57 lines (37 loc) · 1.67 KB


  • Using this library should be 3 steps
    • Create the scene
    • Render the scene
    • Display the render on a window and/or save the render

Creating the Scene


Materials are owned by their object. Thus multiple objects cannot share the same material -- which is very inefficient for Rect3ds, for example

Solution: Create a MaterialLibrary, indexed by a MaterialIndex

Translate, Rotate, and Scale, and FlipNormals are convoluted. They should not be a wrapper object creating an unnecessary layer of indirection.

Solution: Create Render trait to replace Hitable. A global

Camera and World are specified awkwardly.

Solution: Wrap everything in a Scene struct.

Boxes everywhere

Solution: Get rid of the boxes everywhere

let mut world = HitableList::new();
let mut materials = MaterialLibrary::new();

let red = materials.add_material(LambertianMat::with_color(Vec3::new(0.65, 0.05, 0.05)));

Render the Scene

let renderer: Renderer = RenderParams::new(scene)

let render: Vec<Vec3> = renderer.render();

Display the Render

// This should assume sensible defaults for everything. 60 FPS, Non-resizable, etc. The user should be able to change those with `render_display.window_mut()`, which should return a mutable reference to the window.
let render_display = RenderDisplay::new("Name", WIDTH, HEIGHT);; // This should handle the eventloop, menu, F3 for saving, everything