Reset Button
JSON Serialization/Deserialization of settings
Partio/VTK input/output
Fix APIC Stability issue (invertibility?)
Marching Cubes
More Initial Conditions
- Report suggested rest density for initial conditions
Refactor Constiutive Models into a separate file
Better Camera Controller
- Generic over 2D vs 3d?
- Other Degree Kernels for MPM https://www.desmos.com/calculator/gwhf6t3lqs
What classes in PhysBAM would you actually need to port to get most of it?
- Vectors and Matricies (provided by Nalgebra)
- Arrays not necessary (Rust's
is probably good enough) - Math_Tools not necessary (we may or may not want to re-implement RANGE)
- LOG -- just use rust's
library, maybeslog
(including scope timers) - Random Numbers -- just use
GRID -- this is a really handy class
Iterators -- RANGE_ITERATOR, NODE_ITERATOR, CELL_ITERATOR, FACE_ITERATOR (w/ FACE_INDEX), these can probably be written pretty cleanly with Rust's iterator (better than separate Next and Valid functions)
Arrays Nd -- we can probably implement these ourselves better than ndarray
Particles -- we can definitely come up with a better way to do this than PhysBAM's dynamic particle arrays
Poisson Disk sampling
- Advection Trait w/ Semi lagrangian (maybe generic over a particle tracing API?), WENO, ENO, etc.
- There has to be a more consistent way to handle boundaries
- Craig's new Interpolation API is very nice, porting that to rust would be cool (and not being tied down by backwards compatibility would be nice as well)
Meshes -- this is necessary
Output -- somehow use serde for this, if binary is necessary (which it probably is), serde can handle it -- maybe partio for particles
Level Sets -- probably fine
- what about analytic implicit objects? i'm not sure...
Krylov Solvers
- Don't know this area well enough, but I'm sure PhysBAM's API can be cleaned up -- LAPLACE, POISSON, PROJECTION, KRYLOV_SYSTEM_BASE
Constitutive Models -- the rest of it probably isn't strictly necessary immediately
and of course, a viewer
- Bincode for data serialization
- Tracing/Tracing-subscriber for logging