All the API endpoints that are in the application
Route for white team APIs to get balance of other teams
Route for white team to add credits to a specific team
Route for white team to remove credits to a specific team
Route for white team to set credits for a team
Gets the balance of a team
Buys a item from the white team store
Get a list of transactions made by the team
Transfer money from one teams account to another
Items and their price from the white team store
Serve our js files`
Serve our css files`
Serve our css files`
Main page, redirect to login if theres no authenticated session,
Allows users to filter the items by certain key words
Tries to log into backend API
Log our user out, expire session in backend`
Update the users password
List of items able to be boughten from the white team store
Get the info for a teams account, the balance, transactions etc.`
Transfer money from one teams account to another