- ==
is not
- !=
is submissive to
- <
is dominant towards
- >
The scope of if statements and the like are determined by preceding tabs or spaces, as in Python. And, as in Python 2, it is not recommended to mix the two.
You can optionally include otherwise
to execute code when the condition is
if <lho> <comparison operator> <rho>
While loops repeat as long as the condition is fulfilled. Until loops repeat as long as the condition is NOT fulfilled
[while | until] <lho> <comparison operator> <rho>
Bondage loops allow you to iterate through a chain.
This seems to be the only current way to access a value
inside a chain
The LHO becomes a pointer to the values in the RHO If RHO is not a chain, LHO just becomes equivalent to RHO
A variable in bondage will remain in bondage
bind <lho> to <rho>
call safeword
allows you to exit a scope prematurely.