Changed package documentation file syntax
In addition to the local windows 10 R 4.3.1, I used the devtools::check_rhub() and devtools devtools::check_win_release() to check the package on multiple platforms. The list with results:
- Local windows 10 install, R-oldrel
- Travis-ci linux focal, (r-devel, r-rel, r-oldrel)
- Windows Server 2022, R-rel,
- R-Hub Windows Server 2022, R-devel
- R-hub Ubuntu Linux 20.04.1 LTS, R-release, GCC
- Fedora Linux, R-devel, clang, gfortran
There were some notes warnings or errors in some platforms. However the checks from were all OK. The Travis-ci fails due to failure to install Hmisc on oldrel and rel. (Nothing I can do there). The Rhub Windows fails due to some tests failing because of API mismatch on svglite (I could remove these tests). The Ubuntu 20 in R-Hub produces a note that an example bulit more that 5 seconds. Same note comes from R-Hub Fedora.
So if the required dependencies install there should be no errors.
I have not run R CMD check on downstream dependencies of ormPlot, as there are no strong reverse dependencies to be checked.