We're living the future so the present is our past.
- required:
, from SBo
- DO NOT Download source.tar.gz from release it will not work. Please Download zip file from latest branch.
- Unzip zip file and change in folder.
- As root run
bash cptn.SlackBuild
- Finally
upgradepkg --install-new /tmp/cptn*.tlz
Alternative method (unstable):
git clone https://github.com/rizitis/captain-slack.git
cd captain-slack && sudo bash cptn.SlackBuild
sudo upgradepkg --install-new /tmp/cptn*.tlz
sudo rm /tmp/cptn*.tlz
NOTE: main README.md as main branch it self, is the develop branch.
Some informations or commands may not exist yet for latest cptn release zip files.
Please read release version branch README.md for valid infos.
As root removepkg cptn
If you install Captain-Slack the first thing you must do is create data-base for packages and libraries:
create db
cptn make-db -a
(as root) Will create a full database of all installed packages and libraries (need some time...)cptn make-db -p
(as root) The same but only for packagescptn make-db -l
(as root) The same but only for libraries and their deps...
For print informations about your current system use:
print infos
cptn info <package-name>
Will print info for the packagecptn info <package-name>
the same if its a library (the .so extension not needed)cptn open-libs
orcptn open-pkgs
Defauld text editor will open the yaml file for installed libraries or packages (only for read)cptn open-logs
Default file manager will open/var/log/captain-slack
folder for read files.cptn clear-logs
Delete all *.log files from/var/log/captain-slack
To print informations about running services or status of a services or restart a service:
cptn serv-status <rc.service-name>
(as root) Will print service status infocptn restart-serv
(as root) Will print all rc.services and ask user to chose which need restartcptn show-servs
(as root) Will export in terminal all services and their status.
To find and use fast mirrors as for your location from mirrorlist:
mirrors and weather forcast
cptn mirrors
(as root) Will check all active slackware mirrorlist servers and print top 5 (default) faster for your location.cptn mirrors -1
Using flag-1
will print only the fastercptn mirrors -[1..9]
Valid flags numbers are from 1 to 9. (if not -N flag set, then default is top 5 mirrors)
cptn weather
Will print in terminal next days weather forcast for you :D (assume you are not under vpn)
cptn make coffee
fix bugs
If you build using AthOS (athos) build system, cptn info cmd will print dependencies informations also:
After conraid suggestions I made some changes. Now cptn info
command will read also his build as we both storing a slack-required file in /usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/
folder and things are more easy and more proper discribed ;)
If you also have local builds is a good choice to include a slack-required file in the same folder.
- slack-required format is:
For your SlackBuilds from SBo-ponce you must add this line in SlackBuild:
grep "^REQUIRES=" $CWD/$PRGNAM.info | sed 's/^REQUIRES="//;s/"$//' | tr ' ' '\n' > "$PKG"/usr/doc/"$PRGNAM-$VERSION"/slack-required
If you are in Slackware-current and using slpkg you can use my fork of ponce repo. This fork has all SlackBuild patched for slack-required and more... But you use it at your own risk.
This is the edit in all SlackBuilds:
cd $PKG
if [ -f $CWD/slack-required ]; then cat $CWD/slack-required > $PKG/install/slack-required; fi
if [ -f $CWD/slack-required ]; then cat $CWD/slack-required > $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/slack-required; fi
if [ -f $CWD/dependees-on ]; then cat $CWD/dependees-on > $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/dependees-on; fi
if [ -f $CWD/slack-required ]; then cp $CWD/slack-required $OUTPUT/$PRGNAM-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD$TAG.dep; fi
READ disclaimer first! Original SlackBuilds Maintainers or SlackBuilds.org or Ponce has no responsibility about this fork!