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Real-ESRGAN Overview

Real-ESRGAN is a package that uses machine learning for image restoration, including upscaling and cleaning up noisy images. Given that VQGAN+CLIP can only generate lower-resolution images (significantly limited by available VRAM), applying ESRGAN for upscaling can be useful. This document will discuss installation and application of ESRGAN in combination with VQGAN_CLIP_GENERATOR. In brief, Real-ESRGAN can be used after generating single images with VQGAN, or after generating video frames (and before encoding video) using any of the generate.*_video_frames() methods.

Example images are provided by the Real-ESRGAN developer.


Virtual environment

Install Real-ESRGAN to the same virtual environment where you are running vqgan_clip_generator using the commands below.

conda activate vqgan
pip install opencv-python scipy
pip install basicsr
pip install facexlib
pip install gfpgan
pip install git+

Dyamic download and caching of models

Real-ESRGAN requires use of a compatible model file. There are many compatible models that have been trained for many image restoration tasks. Using the same approach as VQGAN models, these Real-ESRGAN models are used by providing the name of the model file and the URL where it can be downloaded as arguments to the inference_realesrgan() method. The first time a model is used it will be downloaded and cached locally. Subsequent calls to the same model will use the cached copy. Caches are stored in the ~/.cache/torch/hub/models folder.

The model files provided by the developer of Real-ESRGAN are shown below, and are discussed by the Real-ESRGAN developer here.

Model Description
RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth 4X upscaling model for general images. This is the default model used in vqgan_clip_generator.esrgan
RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B.pth 2X upscaling model optimized for anime images; 6 RRDB blocks (slightly smaller network)
RealESRGAN_x2plus.pth 2X upscaling model for general images
RealESRNet_x4plus.pth 4X upscaling model with MSE loss (over-smooth effects)
official ESRGAN_x4.pth official ESRGAN model (X4)

Many additional models can be found at the Upscale Wiki Model Database. None of these have been tested with this package, but are described as being compatible, and as having been trained for specific image restoration / processing tasks.

Using Real-ESRGAN

A wrapper for Real-ESRGAN is provided that is an adaptation of the command-line script created by the authors. The esrgan.inference_realesrgan() method provided here converts the original method into a python-callable function, and provides dynamic model file downloading and caching.

A few key arguments are discussed below. See the original Real-ESRGAN repository for more discussion.

Argument Default Discussion
input './video_frames' Path to the image file or folder to upscale. If a folder is passed, all images in the folder will be processed.
model_filename 'RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth' The Real-ESRGAN compatible model file to be used. If not cached, it will be downloaded.
model_url f'' The URL to download the model from if it is not cached.
output_images_path './upscaled_video_frames' Location to save output images.
purge_existing_files False If true, all files in the output_images_path folder will be deleted before new images are created. This is useful when processing exported frames from a restyle video. Do not use this on your ./outputs folder!
netscale 4 Upsample scale factor of the network.
outscale 4 The final upsampling scale of the image. It's not clear to me the difference between these two arguments.
face_enhance False Use GFPGAN to enhance faces, while also upsampling using the model selected in model_filename/model_url.

Examples are provided which include an optional upscaling step using the default upscaler.

A simple example is shown below for upscaling a single image. The output file will be saved to the output_images folder with the same filename as the input. If you attempt to save to the same folder as the original image, the filename will be appended with '_upscaled'. If the input argument is a folder name, all images in the input folder will be upscaled and saved to output.

from vqgan_clip import esrgan

Here is an example using a different model.

from vqgan_clip import esrgan

If you use a 2X upscaler instead of the default 4X upscaler, you must change the netscale and outscale arguments to 2.

from vqgan_clip import esrgan

Here is an example of using Real-ESRGAN to upscale a generated image.

# Generate a single image based on a text prompt
from vqgan_clip import generate, esrgan
from vqgan_clip.engine import VQGAN_CLIP_Config
import os
from vqgan_clip import _functional as VF

config = VQGAN_CLIP_Config()
config.output_image_size = [587, 330]
# Set True if you installed the Real-ESRGAN package for upscaling.
upscale_image = True
text_prompts = 'A pastoral landscape painting by Rembrandt'

output_filename = f'example media{os.sep}example image.png'
metadata_comment = generate.image(eng_config=config,

# Upscale the image
if upscale_image:
                                output_images_path='example media',
    VF.copy_PNG_metadata(output_filename, os.path.splitext(output_filename)[0]+'_upscaled.png')
print(f'generation parameters: {metadata_comment}')

Here is an example script for upscaling an existing video. This may not be the best way to upscale an existing video, but it works using the tools provided here.

# This example demonstrates upscaling an existing video using the tools provided in this package.
# This is not a primary use case for the package, but it may be useful. It also illustrates how you
# may prefer to integrate shell commands to ffmpeg into your video workflows, rather than using
# generate.video_tools methods.
# Note that Real-ESRGAN will run out of VRAM if you try to upscale a large video.

from vqgan_clip import esrgan, video_tools
import os

input_video_path = 'small_video.mp4'
output_root_dir = 'example_media'
final_output_filename = f'{output_root_dir}{os.sep}upscaled video.mp4'
extracted_video_frames_path = f'{output_root_dir}{os.sep}video frames'
upscaled_video_frames_path = f'{output_root_dir}{os.sep}upscaled video frames'
extraction_framerate = 30

# Use a wrapper for FFMPEG to extract stills from the original video.
original_video_frames = video_tools.extract_video_frames(input_video_path,

# This is equivalent to
# os.system(f'ffmpeg -i small_video.mp4 -filter:v fps=30 video_frames\\frame_%12d.jpg')

# Upscale using Real-ESRGAN
                            # Careful! This will delete everything in the output_images_path!

# Encode the video.
generated_video_no_audio = f'{output_root_dir}{os.sep}output no audio.mp4'
ffmpeg_input_path = f'\"{upscaled_video_frames_path}\\frame_%12d.png\"'
    f'ffmpeg -y -f image2 -i {ffmpeg_input_path} -r 30 -vcodec libx264 -crf 23 -pix_fmt yuv420p -strict -2 \"{generated_video_no_audio}\"')

# Copy audio from the original file
    input_video_path, generated_video_no_audio, final_output_filename)

# This is equiavalent to
# os.system(f'ffmpeg -i small_video.mp4 -vn -acodec copy extracted_original_audio.aac')
# os.system(f'ffmpeg -i output_no_audio.mp4 -i extracted_original_audio.aac -c copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 upscaled_video.mp4')