I gave a talk to R-Ladies Chicago on April 26, 2018 about cool new things in #rspatial, like the sf
and tmap
packages. Here are the slides from the Meetup - let me know if there are any typos or things I need to fix.
I'd also like to start building the #rspatialladies community, so stay tuned for more regarding this (and reach out if you're interested in helping organize). Expect a Slack channel sometime soon.
Thank you to Alison Hill for awesome R-Ladies presentation slides. These are a great resource if you're interested in speaking at a R-Ladies Meetup in the future.
Big thanks also to Jakub Nowosad for great intro slides on R for GIS. I went through these for inspiration, but I learned a lot from doing so.
Check out the forthcoming Geocomputation with R book for more details about this spatial stuff.
Here's the documentation for sf and for tmap in case you're interested in a deeper dive.
Find me on Twitter @CivicAngela and email me at angela [at] rladies.org!