Our March meetup is this Thursday in Chapel Hill!
Interactive visualizations with Shiny Thursday, March 9 6:30pm - 8:30pm UNC Greenlaw 101203 Lenoir Dr, Chapel Hill, NC https://www.meetup.com/R-Ladies-RTP/events/237358623/
If you have already RSVPed yes, we look forward to seeing you on Thursday. If not, there are still a few seats left.
The agenda is on the event website. We have two lightening talks lined up, followed by the Shiny workshop. If you're interested in giving a lightening talk (at this meetup or in the future), let us know at mine@rladies.org and/or elaine@rladies.org.
The workshop materials will be posted at this GitHub repo: https://github.com/rladies/rtp_20170309_shiny. Note that the slides there are currently a work in progress, but they will be finalized before the workshop. However please read and complete the following setup instructions:
If you have any trouble with any of those steps, don't worry, we will have some time during the meetup to help troubleshoot.
Dinner will be provided, thanks to the generous sponsorship of UNC BIOS and the Odum Institute!
There are two public parking lots on Franklin Street (about a 5-10 min walk to the building where the meet up is going to be held).
These are two huge parking decks opposite each other. Walking directions to Greenlaw from there is: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Greenlaw+Hall,+Chapel+Hill,+NC/Wallace+Parking+Deck,+150+E+Rosemary+St,+Chapel+Hill,+NC+27514/@35.912751,-79.0539171,17z/am=t/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x89acc2e90a34382f:0x2c3b7d6ca7bffc49!2m2!1d-79.0492586!2d35.9103861!1m5!1m1!1s0x89acc2dd440f2675:0xcd2d2e4801704a29!2m2!1d-79.0542363!2d35.914759
We will be sending additional parking information before the meetup as well.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday!