Simple Spring-Security basic authentication using method level security
Test the public
endpoint without any authentication:
curl http://localhost:8080/public
Hello Public!
Test the private
endpoint without authentication:
curl http://localhost:8080/private
You receive the following response, which indicates you are not authorized to access the resource:
HTTP Status 401 - Full authentication is required to access this resource
Test the private
endpoint with ROLE_USER
account authentication:
curl -u user:password http://localhost:8080/private
Hello Private!
Test the private
endpoint with ROLE_ADMIN
account authentication:
curl -u admin:password http://localhost:8080/private
Hello Private!
Test the private
endpoint with wrong user authentication:
curl -u user:wrongpassword http://localhost:8080/private
You receive the following response, which indicates you are not authorized to access the resource:
HTTP Status 401 - Bad credentials
Test the admin
endpoint with ROLE_USER
account authentication:
curl -u user:password http://localhost:8080/admin
"message":"Dostęp zabroniony",
Test the admin
endpoint with ROLE_ADMIN
account authentication:
curl -u admin:password http://localhost:8080/admin
Hello Admin!