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Obelisk Routing


The obelisk-route package is designed to help with managing the paths and parameters for routing in your application.

Most importantly it has been designed and built to provide the following guarantees:

  • Every route value can be encoded to a URL

Every route that you declare in your types will produce a valid URL; that is, encoding cannot fail.

  • When you decode something you've encoded, you'll always get the same value back
decode . encode = pure

Routes declared using obelisk-route are bidirectional, meaning that any route that can be encoded to types and matched on can also be encoded as a url without losing information.

  • Common modifications made to routes, where ever possible, will be caught by the compiler.

When you make common modifications to routes, or a route is added or removed, there will be "incomplete case" and similar warnings wherever you need to update your application. The type system also makes it much easier to catch those easy-to-forget issues, such as updating nav-bars, or that breadcrumb widget that needs a human-readable description.

  • Behaviour of routes is identical for Backend and Frontend

This package doesn't have a distinction between backend or frontend routes, these are only different types so their behaviour is identical. This guarantees that routes generated as part of a backend static rendering process will be indistinguishable from routes generated on the frontend.

It may seem odd that obelisk-route does not provide a way to specify the HTTP Method for a given route. This is due to the requirement that this package may be used when rendering a page on the backend or the frontend. A POST request makes no sense for the frontend of an application so we do not support creating this type of route. As it would be difficult to impossible to enforce if the routing system worked differently on the backend vs the frontend.


It's worth quickly pointing out the parts of the URL that this package is focused on so that when we're discussing terms like 'path' and 'query', we're thinking of the same thing.

From the Wikipedia page on URIs:

The URI generic syntax consists of a hierarchical sequence of five components:

URI = scheme:[//authority]path[?query][#fragment]

where the authority component divides into three subcomponents:

authority = [userinfo@]host[:port]

This package handles the path and query components of a URI.

Obelisk route mental model

The way to approach building routes with obelisk-route is to focus on your Route data structure.

First, make sure it matches your application's structure: with one Route value for each logical page the user might want to visit. Only once that is clear, move on to thinking about how those logical pages ought to appear in the user's address bar. For instance, you might want each user's profile to show up at /user/$userid.

Finally, consider how you want to handle URLs with slight differences; an extra trailing slash, different capitalization, or URLs whose rendering format has changed. By doing things in this order, you design your routes around your application, rather than designing your application around your routes.

We then write the definition of the route using Encoders. These may be thought of as small pure functions that compose together using (.) to build the concrete definition of your routing structure. By composing and building routes from pieces that are so small that they are "obviously correct", you can be confident that the composition of those individual pieces is also correct.

As we build up some examples in this guide, we will demonstrate how to think about your abstract routes as concrete definitions using Encoders. You will see that obelisk-route already has most of the tools you need to construct that concrete definition. We'll also cover what to do when it doesn't, and what you need to know to ensure that you build correct and composable pieces.

Obelisk live development environment

For a hands-on experience, work through the section you're interested in using a freshly created Obelisk application. Refer to the Obelisk documentation for Developing an Obelisk project.

Your route as a type

This route will be the main landing page of our application. There is only one possible route associated with this page, so the value for our route must have only one possible instantiation.

When it comes to how that route will present itself to the user in the address bar, it will be our main page and at the root of all things so it must be /.

The routes for a Obelisk application often live in Common.Route and nearby modules. We will follow this convention and create our type there:

data MyRoute = MyRoute_Main
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

The constructor for our main page is MyRoute_Main with no parameters. This value will be used in our case expressions to decide what code to run and when we're creating links to this page. Be sure to include the deriving clause as we will need these instances.

The naming of the route MyRoute_Main is an Obelisk convention of including the type name in individual constructor names. This helps disambiguate the code at the 'cost' of a few extra keystrokes. As an example:

data Foo
  = Foo_ConstructorA
  | Foo_ConstructorB

We have the logical definition of the route as the MyRoute_Main constructor, and the next step is to create the concrete definition of that route for our application. We will do this by building our first Encoder. Below the MyRoute type, create a function with the following type signature:

  :: ( Applicative check
     , MonadError Text parse
  => Encoder check parse MyRoute PageName
myRouteEncoder =

You will need the constraints to satisfy the typechecker for the type variables; check, and parse. They're not important to what we're doing now.

The Encoder type

This is the primary building block for any route definition:

data Encoder check parse a b

An Encoder check parse a b may be thought of as small pure functions of type: a -> b. Thinking of them like this may provide some intuition as Encoders may be composed using (.), and in some ways treated as if they were nothing but pure functions. In practice they are more complex than this, but it is a good place to start.

The check and parse types are related to the functions that the Encoder uses to encode or validate route input. When using existing Encoders these type variables are often able to be ignored. They are more relevant when you're building your own Encoders.

They are also bidirectional so the one Encoder will handle going from a to b and back. Importantly, a correctly built Encoder will not lose information, regardless of which direction the information is travelling:

forall a. decode (encode a) == pure a

Within the Obelisk.Route module are many pre-built Encoders, the one we will use is the enumEncoder:

  :: forall parse check p r.
     ( Universe p
     , Show p
     , Ord p
     , Ord r
     , MonadError Text parse
     , MonadError Text check
     , Show r
  => (p -> r)
  -> Encoder check parse p r

Update myRouteEncoder to use this Encoder and place a 'typed hole' as the argument:

  :: ( Applicative check
     , MonadError Text parse
     , MonadError Text check
  => Encoder check parse MyRoute PageName
myRouteEncoder = enumEncoder _todo

Aside: Typed holes

That _todo is called a 'typed hole' and they allow you ask GHC "what should be the type of the thing at _todo". They are very useful for debugging and incremental development. They may be used anywhere you can use a function or a value. For more information on typed holes, see the following links:

They are a very useful tool for building & debugging your program. But do not succumb to 'type tetris'. This is when you find yourself replacing typed holes with the first thing that satisfies the type checker, but doesn't necessarily result in a useful or correct program.

Typed holes don't have to be called _todo, you can give them any valid Haskell identifier name, as long as they start with _ and don't clash with anything other names.

NB: Typed holes still rely on GHC type checking and inspecting your codebase. So if you've a large codebase then resolving the typed hole may be slow.

If you're following along with either ob run, ghcid, or building as you go, the output will now contain two errors relating to our use of enumEncoder.

The first is related to the Universe constraint from the universe package:

    • Could not deduce (Universe MyRoute)
        arising from a use of ‘enumEncoder’
      from the context: (Applicative check, MonadError Text parse)
        bound by the type signature for:

The enumEncoder uses the Universe typeclass to ensure coverage for every possible value for type p. We need an instance of this typeclass for our MyRoute type in order to use enumEncoder, we don't have to do much as there is a default implementation for any type that has instances for Enum and Bounded, which we have already derived.

You may need to import the Data.Universe module if you haven't already.

Then declare an instance for our type like so:

instance Universe MyRoute

Save the file and the next error is feedback from the 'typed hole':

    • Found hole: _todo :: MyRoute -> PageName
      Or perhaps ‘_todo’ is mis-spelled, or not in scope
    • In the first argument of ‘enumEncoder’, namely ‘_todo’
      In the expression: enumEncoder _todo

This is the specialised type for the p -> r function for enumEncoder. We have to write the function that describes how to create the PageName for each value of our sum type. We might only have a single constructor at the moment but replace the _todo typed hole with a case expression to match on the MyRoute input, leaving a typed hole on the right hand side of the ->:

  :: ( Applicative check
     , MonadError Text parse
     , MonadError Text check
  => Encoder check parse MyRoute PageName
myRouteEncoder = enumEncoder $ \myRoute -> case myRoute of
  MyRoute_Main -> _todo

A slightly nicer way of writing a case expression when you're matching on a single input to a lambda is to turn on the LambdaCase language extension. This will work exactly the same as a normal case expression, but it is a bit tidier:

  :: ( Applicative check
     , MonadError Text parse
     , MonadError Text check
  => Encoder check parse MyRoute PageName
myRouteEncoder = enumEncoder $ \case
  MyRoute_Main -> _todo

This new typed hole will inform us that the return type of this case expression needs to be something of type PageName.

The PageName type is an alias for a tuple of URL and any query parameters:

  • The URL as a list of the individual route segments: [Text].
  • Query parameters represented using Map Text (Maybe Text).

It is the target type of a complete route Encoder.

The URL of our main pain is / which is represented by an empty list and because we don't have any query parameters, that will be an empty map.

Fill in the typed hole with an empty PageName tuple:

  :: ( Applicative check
     , MonadError Text parse
     , MonadError Text check
  => Encoder check parse MyRoute PageName
myRouteEncoder = enumEncoder $ \case
  MyRoute_Main -> ([], mempty)

NB: Map has an instance of Monoid, so we can use mempty to create an empty Map for us.

We now have an Encoder that represents the concrete definition of our route structure. The single page with only one possible constructor MyRoute_Main and it's representation in the address bar: ([], mempty).

Adding another page

Next we're going to add a privacy policy page to our list of routes. This route will be similar to our main route in that there will be only one possible instantiation of this route. The representation in the address bar will be different, in this case the expected route will be /privacy.

To represent this we will extend the MyRoute type with another constructor:

data MyRoute
  = MyRoute_Main
  | MyRoute_PrivacyPolicy
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

Because we have added another route and we're using a case expression in the enumEncoder, the compiler will start displaying warnings about 'non-exhaustive' pattern matches. These may even be regarded as errors depending on your compiler options. The compiler output will look a bit like this:

common/src/Common/Route.hs:(77,36)-(79,42): warning: [-Wincomplete-patterns]
    Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
    In a case alternative: Patterns not matched: MyRoute_PrivacyPolicy
77 | myRouteEncoder = enumEncoder $ \case
   |                                ^^^^^...

With the logical definition of our privacy policy route created, we will alter our Encoder to account for the new constructor. We will add to the case expression to match on the different constructors and let us the define the correct PageName for the new page:

myRouteEncoder = enumEncoder $ \case
  MyRoute_Main -> ([], mempty)
  MyRoute_PrivacyPolicy -> _privacyTodo

The path for the MyRoute_PrivacyPolicy page is /privacy. To construct the corresponding PageName value we use a single element list as the path has only a single segment: "privacy".

There are still no query parameters so that part of the PageName is still an empty Map:

myRouteEncoder = enumEncoder $ \case
  MyRoute_Main -> ([], mempty)
  MyRoute_PrivacyPolicy -> (["privacy"], mempty)

Wait a minute, shouldn't I be matching on the route on the left?

In many routing systems you match directly on the route input and break it down as required. However this often means that you are left on your own when comes to creating links for these routes because there is no way to relate the structure of a route to anything. If any of those routes change it can be a tedious and error-prone process to find and fix all the constructed links.

Obelisk routes are bidirectional, which means the Encoder that you create also works as a 'pattern match' for incoming routes. The route types operate as a type safe mechanism for creating links in your application. It is a compile error to try to use route constructors that don't exist, and if you change the type of a route the application will not build until you fix that change every where it appears.

Nested Routes

Applications often have a hierarchy to keep things organised. A request is identified as belonging to a particular sub-category and handed off accordingly, the sub-category is then responsible for handling the finer details. The end result being that the whole system may be quite complex but the individual components are easier to create, maintain, and more obviously correct due to their constrained scope.

This section will have a top level Encoder with two sets of nested routes; one for a backend API, and another for the frontend of our application. The nested routes will be kept simple as the focus is on how to nest them. This hypothetical system is comprised of two subsystems, with the following functionality:

The backend offers three different functions:

  • check the status of the system
  • request the current version of the system
  • request the current uptime duration

The frontend has three pages:

  • user registration page
  • 'contact us' page
  • 'about us' page

Lets think about what the abstract definition of these routes might look like. We have six unique bits of functionality that we want to account for, so we could have a single structure that has everything in one big list. But that doesn't reflect that there are two logically separate systems, and the routes must conform to our needs, not the other way around.

To anyone using our system however there is no such separation, so we need a way to decide how to delegate properly. For that we need another top level structure that is able to decide if something is a backend or frontend request. This top level shouldn't do anything but decide which system to forward the request to, but in doing so it would present the appearance of this 'single' system and allow us to maintain the logical distinction and keep things organised.

So we know that at a high level we need the following abstract route structures:

  • ApiRoute for the backend
  • AppRoute for the frontend
  • TopLevel to delegate

Based on the earlier descriptions of the different backend and frontend functionality we can divide them up into the following data structures:

data ApiRoute
  = ApiRoute_Status
  | ApiRoute_Version
  | ApiRoute_Uptime
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

instance Universe ApiRoute

data AppRoute
  = AppRoute_Register
  | AppRoute_Contact
  | AppRoute_About
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

instance Universe AppRoute

As for the representation of these routes as paths, the backend api routes are:

  • /status
  • /version
  • /uptime

The frontend routes are:

  • /register
  • /contact
  • /about

We'll define the Encoders for these later using enumEncoders as we have done in earlier sections. The focus here is on the TopLevel structure to perform the delegation and maintain the organisation we require.

We want a structure that will allow us to organise the two sub-systems into a hierarchy, keeping their respective paths isolated from one another and ensure that neither sub-system, nor this top level, have or need any special awareness of each other.

To that end we will create a type that will allow us to 'chain' together the different structures while enabling us to handle them separately. In earlier sections the route had a single possible instantiation, but a route for the TopLevel could be any one of the sub-routes.

To achieve the desired modularity we use the type of the sub-route as an argument to this top-level route constructor.

We will build this route in Common.Route using a Generalised Algebraic Data Type, or 'GADT'. Part of the reason for this is that it provides more detailed type information for greater type-safety that aid in providing the guarantees that this package is built upon.

If you've not encountered GADTs before, or you're a bit rusty, check out the following links for more information:

It's not necessary to have a deep understanding of GADTs to use them with obelisk-route, we'll provide enough of information to be able to get by.

In the Common.Route module add the following line:

data TopLevel :: * -> * where

This is the declaration of our TopLevel type, the * -> * annotation indicates that this type requires an additional type argument. This is the part of the abstract route definition that will be determined once we know which constructor will be used:

data TopLevel :: * -> * where
  TopLevel_API :: TopLevel ApiRoute
  TopLevel_APP :: TopLevel AppRoute

-- Template Haskell to generate required instances.
deriveRouteComponent ''TopLevel

These are our constructors for the routes. As in earlier sections, these following the naming convention of including the type name. On the right hand side of the :: we provide explicit type for each constructor.

Now that we have the logical structure of our route defined, we will start writing the Encoder to build our concrete definition. Each constructor now represents either all possible routes to either ApiRoute or AppRoute with the logical distinction between the two.

The following paths will be defined in our Encoder and as with our constructors the Encoder for the TopLevel is only aware of and responsible for enough of the structure to handle deciding which sub-structure provide the Encoder for. This Encoder has zero knowledge of any of the sub-routes and only handles the minimum to perform its task:

  • /api/... ~ backend
  • /app/... ~ frontend

With those paths in mind we can start constructing our Encoder:

  :: ( MonadError Text check
     , MonadError Text parse
  => Encoder check parse (R TopLevel) PageName
topLevelRouteEncoder = _todo

This similar to earlier Encoders with the main difference being the use of the R type to wrap our TopLevel type.

Aside: R

When referring to route types in type signatures when they are defined as 'GADT's, we need to ensure that the route type remains polymorphic. Using the route type TopLevel a as an example, each constructor may specify a different type in place of that a. Consequently we can't expose that a in the type signature because the type system will demand that a have a single concrete type.

To keep the polymorphism that we need, we wrap the route type using DSum from the 'dependent-sum' package. This uses existential quantification to prevent the type variable from our route type appearing in the type signature, preserving polymorphism without any loss of type safety.

Using the full DSum TopLevel Identity type everytime we wanted to refer to our route type would be tedious and noisy so we use the type alias R as shorthand:

type R f = DSum f Identity

The Encoder we will use is pathComponentEncoder, which works almost exactly like enumEncoder with the ability to leverage the extra type information carried by our GADT.

  :: forall check parse p.
     ( Universe (Some p)
     , GShow p
     , GCompare p
     , MonadError Text check
     , MonadError Text parse )
  => (forall a. p a -> SegmentResult check parse a)
  -> Encoder check parse (R p) PageName

Where the type variable p is replaced by TopLevel and the Template Haskell we added after our TopLevel definition will take care of the constraints for this function. Of interest to us is the function we need to write to make this Encoder work:

  => (forall a. p a -> SegmentResult check parse a)

This is similar to the p -> r function that is required by the enumEncoder to handle the different cases of the sum type. Now we have more type information available to us, and instead of directly constructing the PageName ourselves, we build values of type SegmentResult and pathComponentEncoder handles the rest for us.

Aside: SegmentResult

This type is part of the interface to the pathComponentEncoder function. Because routes may be nested in the definition of other routes. All of the routes related to pull requests nested under the route for a repository, for example. We need a way to describe whether a route may have more segments or if we've reached the end.

To do this, the SegmentResult has two constructors, one recursive allowing for more structure, and the other terminating, indicating that this path is complete.

The recursive constructor has the following type:

PathSegment :: Text -> Encoder check parse a PageName -> SegmentResult check parse a

This lets us specify a fixed component of a path, and then we must also provide an Encoder to turn this value (the one on the left hand side of the case expression) into the remainder of the route.

The other constructor:

PathEnd :: Encoder check parse a (Map Text (Maybe Text)) -> SegmentResult check parse a

Indicates that the path is complete and requires an Encoder to turn this value into query parameters.

Refer to the Haddock documentation for more detailed information.

Create the function from a case expression and place a typed hole on the right hand side of each branch:

  :: ( MonadError Text check
     , MonadError Text parse
  => Encoder check parse (R TopLevel) PageName
topLevelRouteEncoder = pathComponentEncoder $ \case
  TopLevel_API -> _apiTodo
  TopLevel_APP -> _appTodo

The type of pathComponentEncoder indicates we need to return a type SegmentResult. Because both of these routes have more segments defined in a separate Encoder and we have a intermediate static segment to differentiate the two routes, we will use the PathSegment constructor:

PathSegment Text (Encoder check parse a PageName)

Add this constructor to the right hand side of the case branches each route. Use "api" as the first argument for TopLevel_API, and "app" for TopLevel_APP. Leave a typed hole as the second argument for both:

  TopLevel_API -> PathSegment "api" _apiTodo
  TopLevel_APP -> PathSegment "app" _appTodo

The type of the _apiTodo hole will be:

     Found hole:
        _apiTodo :: Encoder check parse ApiRoute PageName

To satisfy this type, we will build the Encoders for the backend and frontend and then replace these holes with their respective Encoders. We won't dwell on these Encoders as they are built using techniques we have already covered.

The Encoder for each of these routes is defined using the enumEncoder:

apiRouteEncoder :: (MonadError Text check, MonadError Text parse) => Encoder check parse ApiRoute PageName
apiRouteEncoder = enumEncoder $ \case
  ApiRoute_Status -> (["status"], mempty)
  ApiRoute_Version -> (["version"], mempty)
  ApiRoute_Uptime -> (["uptime"], mempty)

appRouteEncoder :: (MonadError Text check, MonadError Text parse) => Encoder check parse AppRoute PageName
appRouteEncoder = enumEncoder $ \case
  AppRoute_Register -> (["register"], mempty)
  AppRoute_Contact -> (["contact"], mempty)
  AppRoute_About -> (["about"], mempty)

These can replace the typed holes to complete our Encoder with nested routes:

  :: ( MonadError Text check
     , MonadError Text parse
  => Encoder check parse (R TopLevel) PageName
topLevelRouteEncoder = pathComponentEncoder $ \case
  TopLevel_API -> PathSegment "api" apiRouteEncoder
  TopLevel_APP -> PathSegment "app" appRouteEncoder

Now all of these routes are organised in a way that makes sense for this application. Both the nested and top-level Encoders are independent of one another and can be moved and altered without impacting the other.

If AppRoute is extended or made more complex, those changes are localised to the appRouteEncoder.

If ApiRoute_Status needs to be extended with its own nested routes then it can be separated into its own Encoder and again those changes are kept local to that Encoder.

Aside: Packaged routes

This modularity allows you to package entire route structures and their functionality into a standalone Haskell package that other people can import and use. Plugging it into their route structure where it makes sense for their application.

It's important to note here that when using your routes in their application, they could leverage the abstract definition of your routes and substitute their own encoding. This would allow them to replace functionality provided by your routes as per their needs without breaking existing links.

If you have repeated functionality in your application you could abstract out the differences and package the similarities, routes and all!

Add parameter to a nested route

Suppose we want to use part of the route input as a value that is available for use at the destination. Let's assuming we want to add a homepage for every user. To do so we will need a route to represent a path to the homepage for every possible user ID, which means we parameterise this route by the type that represents every possible user ID.

Our application has Text based user IDs, but we're responsible Haskellers so we will use a newtype to wrap this value up and keep our code cleaner:

newtype UserID = UserID { unUserID :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq)
makeWrapped ''UserID

That final line is template haskell from the lens library that will generate a Wrapped typeclass instance for us. This provides a useful Iso for us that makes writing the Encoder, and using the UserID type itself, easier.

Now we can define the route constructor as:

  AppRoute_UserHome :: AppRoute UserID

This type represents one logical page per instantiation per possible user ID. In the address bar this will appear as : /user/$UserID. After adding this new route, we will start seeing a warning that not all of our route constructors are accounted for in the Encoder.

Extend that case expression to include this new route:

  AppRoute_UserHome -> PathSegment "user" _userhomeTodo

Similar to other routes, we have a static component, "user", and we have a typed hole that we need to fill in. In this instance the typed hole as the following type:

_userhomeTodo :: Encoder check parse UserID PageName

In order to fill this typed hole we need to provide an Encoder that turns a UserID into a PageName. To do we're going to be composing existing Encoders. However the (.) operator from Prelude is specialised to the function arrow type (->) so we must import the more general version from the Control.Category module, because it uses the Category typeclass constraint:

-- (.) from Prelude
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c

-- (.) from Control.Category
(.) :: Category cat => cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c

The Encoder type is an instance of Category so we need to use the more general function. To ensure that the correct (.) is imported use the following snippet:

-- This imports everything from Prelude except for (.)
import Prelude hiding ((.))

-- This imports everything from Control.Category
import Control.Category

If you use the (.) from Prelude to compose Encoders then you will end up with type errors similar to the following:

    • Couldn't match expected type ‘b0 -> c0’
                  with actual type ‘Encoder check0 parse0 [Text] PageName’
    • In the first argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘pathOnlyEncoder’

You can see that it expected something of type b0 -> c0 whereas we're wanting to compose Encoders. Although we can think of Encoders like they are pure functions, the types are distinct so we must use the correct function to compose them.

This package does not have any single Encoder that will satisfy that type. What this package provides is the smaller pieces we need to build this Encoder. Small Encoders that do one thing and do it correctly, such that we can compose these Encoder to perform the steps we need.

Of the entire path: /user/$userid. The user section is nested in the app segment, so the Encoder we need to build must target the $userid segment, and only that segment, of the route.

This is done using the following Encoder:

  :: ( Applicative check
     , MonadError Text parse
  => Encoder check parse Text PageName

The singlePathSegmentEncoder is an Encoder that will ignore any query parameters and focus only on a single segment in the path, disregarding any further segments. Using the intuition of thinking about Encoder like a pure function, this Encoder is like a function from Text to PageName.

We will also need an Encoder that to go from UserID to Text. This is where the Wrapped typeclass we derived earlier comes in handy as that typeclass lets deal with all kinds of newtype wrappers in a consistent way. We don't need their unique constructors and deconstructors, the typeclass abstracts that away.

The following Encoder leverages this typeclass to provide this Encoder:

  :: ( Wrapped a
     , Applicative check
     , Applicative parse
  => Encoder check parse a (Unwrapped a)

The type (Unwrapped a) is an associated type from the Wrapped typeclass that represents the type that the newtype wraps. In our case the type variable a can be replaced with UserID and Unwrapped UserID with Text. These replacements give us an Encoder of the following type:

unwrappedEncoder :: _ => Encoder check parse UserID Text

Now that we have the two Encoders we need, we compose them together:

  -- New route branch in the case expression
  AppRoute_UserHome -> PathSegment "user" $ singlePathSegmentEncoder . unwrappedEncoder

Multiple Parameters {#multipleParams}

Sometimes one parameter isn't enough and you need more information, these parameters might be grouped together in sequence because they're all associated with a single route. An example might be puzzles hidden in your application that provide three inputs, that when combined will take the user to the prize page:


An alternative requirement might be that there is a set of nested routes that have a parameter and one of those nested routes requires its own parameters. Such as a route for a specific repository for a specific user:


Each require a slightly different approach because the parameters appear at different positions along the route. This is important to note because when we have a 'non-parameter' route segment, such as "user", it indicates that a decision needs to be made as to how we proceed down the route hierarchy.

  • In the case of code/$solutionA/$solutionB/$solutionC, we expect the types of the abstract routes to stay consistent as we go from A to B to C. those types can't change.

  • However, in user/$userId, we expect that the next path segment could be "repository", or if we had implemented other routes, it could be a different structure with its own subroutes.

In sequence

In the first example, there are puzzles that provide three inputs and when combined into a single route will take the user to a specific page. This is only a single logical page but it has three required inputs and the path would appear in the address bar as follows:


Defining the first part of our constructor leads to an interesting question: What is the type that this constructor will be parameterised by? Within obelisk-route is the type alias (:.) which is an alias for a tuple (,).This allows us to express multiple possibly different types as the type for a route constructor. Assuming that our puzzle solutions will be an Int value, a Text value, and a final Int value, then our route is defined as:

  AppRoute_CodePrize :: AppRoute (Int :. Text :. Int)

Which is equivalent to the following but easier to read:

  AppRoute_CodePrize :: AppRoute (Int, (Text, Int))

Now it is a matter of building our Encoder to process the individual segments and package them all up as required. To handle the (:.) portion of the encoding process, we're going to use the pathParamEncoder that has the following type:

  :: ( ... )
  => Encoder check parse item Text
  -> Encoder check parse rest PageName
  -> Encoder check parse (item :. rest) PageName

This function requires two Encoders, one for the initial parameter item, and another for the rest of the route. In this case it will be another pathParamEncoder because the second parameter is another tuple. Lets extend the appRouteEncoder with another branch on the case expression:

  AppRoute_CodePrize -> PathSegment "code" $ pathParamEncoder

The types of the two typed holes are :

_itemEncoder :: Encoder check parse Int Text
_restEncoder :: Encoder check parse (Text :. Int) PageName

We're going to lean on the Show & Read instances for Int because for Int these typeclasses are inverses of one another, meaning that we don't lose any information about the Int value. So we're able to leverage these instances to create a safely bidirectional Encoder. To do this, we will use the unsafeTshowEncoder:

  :: ( Show a
     , Read a
     , Applicative check
     , MonadError Text parse
  => Encoder check parse a Text

This Encoder that will show the value of type a when creating the URL segment, and read when trying to turn that segment of the URL into a value of type a. This is only safe to do because we know that the Show and Read instances for Int are inverses. Refer to the Haddock documentation for unsafeTshowEncoder for more information.

Replace the _itemEncoder with this Encoder:

  AppRoute_CodePrize -> PathSegment "code" $ pathParamEncoder

Now onto the next part of our Encoder. Checking the _restEncoder typed hole, we can see that it has the following type:

_restEncoder :: Encoder (Either Text) (Either Text) (Text :. Int) PageName

This Encoder is for the next two parameters of our tuple, so we can start building this Encoder using the pathParamEncoder. This once again reduces the work to two separate Encoders that do the minimum we need, and the pathParamEncoder handles the tupling for us:

  AppRoute_CodePrize -> PathSegment "code" $ pathParamEncoder
    $ pathParamEncoder

We repeat the process of working through the typed holes to build or find the Encoders we need to define our route. The _itemEncoder is now the second parameter to our tuple, which is a Text value so the typed hole has the following type:

_itemEncoder :: Encoder check parse Text Text

Remembering that an Encoder check parse a b may be thought of as a function of type a to b. In this case it would be equivalent to a function of type a to a as both types are the same. This is equivalent to the id function, which is part of the Category typeclass, of which Encoder has an instance. Thus the Encoder is id:

  AppRoute_CodePrize -> PathSegment "code" $ pathParamEncoder
    $ pathParamEncoder

The final _restEncoder typed hole has the following type, as the last value in the tuple and the path itself:

_restEncoder :: Encoder check parse Int PageName

We will use unsafeTshowEncoder again, but this time we compose it with the singlePathSegmentEncoder, which has the following type:

singlePathSegmentEncoder :: _ => Encoder check parse Text PageName

Making the final Encoder for the (Int :. Text :. Int) type:

  AppRoute_CodePrize -> PathSegment "code" $ pathParamEncoder
    $ pathParamEncoder
      (singlePathSegmentEncoder . unsafeTshowEncoder)

Aside: unsafeShowEncoder

Another Encoder that we could used as the final _restEncoder is the unsafeShowEncoder:

  :: ( MonadError Text parse
     , Read a
     , Show a
     , Applicative check
  => Encoder check parse a PageName

It uses the Show and Read instances by returns a PageName. This one Encoder can be used in place of the composition of:

singlePathSegmentEncoder . unsafeTshowEncoder

It's not the use of Show and Read that is unsafe, it's that if the types change and the instances exist then the compiler will automatically use those instances. Which might not be what you want.

Nested parameters

Another situation where you might have multiple parameters is when there are nested routes and an upper level of the nesting has a parameter along with one or more of the nested routes:


For this example we will use the following newtypes and routes:

newtype UserID = UserID { unUserID :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq)
makeWrapped ''UserId

newtype RepoId = RepoID { unRepoID :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq)
makeWrapped ''RepoId

data UserRoute :: * -> * where
  UserRoute_Home :: UserRoute ()
  UserRoute_Repository :: UserRoute RepoId

data AppRoute :: * -> * where
  AppRoute_CodePrize :: AppRoute (Int :. Text :. Int)
  AppRoute_User :: AppRoute (UserID :. R UserRoute)

Of most interest to us is the AppRoute definition. The AppRoute_UserHome constructor is changed to be AppRoute_User, because there is more than one route under each UserID. Looking at its type (UserID :. R UserRoute) we can see that this route will need a UserID followed by one of the routes in UserRoute.

We will need to updated the appRouteEncoder because the name and the type of our constructor has changed:

appRouteEncoder :: _ => Encoder check parse (R AppRoute) PageName
appRouteEncoder = pathComponentEncoder $ \case
  AppRoute_User -> PathSegment "user" $ _f

We're building an Encoder for set of routes (R UserRoute) as we've done before at the same time is retrieving the UserID parameter that the AppRoute_UserHome constructor originally required. As before we use the pathParamEncoder to manage the tupling for us:

appRouteEncoder :: _ => Encoder check parse (R AppRoute) PageName
appRouteEncoder = pathComponentEncoder $ \case
  AppRoute_User -> PathSegment "user" $ pathParamEncoder

    -- Encoder check parse UserID Text

    -- Encoder check parse (R UserRoute) PageName

Constructing the Encoder for the UserID is the same as we have before when dealing with a newtype that has an instance of Wrapped:

appRouteEncoder :: _ => Encoder check parse (R AppRoute) PageName
appRouteEncoder = pathComponentEncoder $ \case
  AppRoute_User -> PathSegment "user" $ pathParamEncoder

    -- Encoder check parse UserID Text
    (unsafeTshowEncoder . unwrappedEncoder)

    -- Encoder check parse (R UserRoute) PageName

Now we complete the route by defining the Encoder for R UserRoute:

userRouteEncoder :: _ => Encoder check parse (R UserRoute) PageName
userRouteEncoder = pathComponentEncoder $ \case
  UserRoute_Repository -> PathSegment "repository" $ singlePathSegmentEncoder
    . unsafeTshowEncoder
    . unwrappedEncoder

Query Parameters

This package has the capability to collect the various query parameters that may be included as part of a route. Query parameters can be collected on their own:


Or they may be collected along with other route parameters:


Only query parameters

Displaying a 'picture of the day' that allows the user to set the height and width of the image is an example of a route that only has a single logical page but is configurable through query parameters:


The type of this route will only have arguments that represent the query parameters, without duplicates so the type of our route argument will be a Map:

  AppRoute_POTD :: AppRoute (Map Text (Maybe Text))

The types of the values of the Map are Maybe Text because a parameter may not require an explicit value, including the parameter at all could be sufficient.

For our type we have no additional parameters and no nesting, we're only interested in the query parameters. The Encoder for this task is the queryOnlyEncoder:

queryOnlyEncoder :: _ => Encoder check parse (Map Text (Maybe Text)) PageName

Assuming an appRouteEncoder :: Encoder check parse (R AppRoute) PageName that is defined using the pathComponentEncoder, we will extend the case expression:

  AppRoute_POTD -> PathSegment "picture-of-the-day" queryOnlyEncoder

With another path parameter

Sometimes query parameters are included alongside other route parameters. Taking the "repository" route from the Multiple Parameters section, if we wanted to be able to view a specific commit. It doesn't necessarily make sense to make an entirely new page for that, as it is a configurable state of the existing page. So we're able to take the existing route type:

  UserRoute_Repository :: UserRoute RepoId

Then modify it to accept a Map of query parameters as well as the RepoId:

  UserRoute_Repository :: UserRoute (RepoId :. Map Text (Maybe Text))

Note the reuse of the (:.) operator to combine the two route inputs. This provides a hint as to how we will modify the existing Encoder for this route:

  UserRoute_Repository -> PathSegment "repository"
    $ singlePathSegmentEncoder . unsafeTshowEncoder . unwrappedEncoder

To now require the RepoId and have the capability to handle query parameters:

  UserRoute_Repository -> PathSegment "repository" $ pathParamEncoder repoIdEncoder queryOnlyEncoder
    repoIdEncoder :: (..) => Encoder check parse RepoId Text
    repoIdEncoder = unsafeTshowEncoder . unwrappedEncoder

We factor out the Encoder for the RepoId to keep things a bit more organised, which is more general than the type signature suggests, but we're keeping things fixed for the moment. Pass this Encoder as the first argument to pathParamEncoder then use the queryOnlyEncoder to take any query parameters and turn them into the Map we require.

This route changes to now have the following possible representation in the address bar:
