Estimation of change in position using object tracking and a depth map.
A Microsoft Kinect 360 is used. An RGB image is passed through YOLOv3 to detect 'objects of interest'. The locations of these objects are looked up in a depth map (obtained from freenect_stack with ROS Kinetic) to obtain the spherical coordinates of the object. If these objects are also found in consicutive images, the relative displacement in their vectors is used to calculate the displacement of the robot.
- opencv (cv2)
- darknet
- ROS Kinetic (For getting data from Kinect)
- freenect_stack
- image_view
- YOLOv3.weights
Clone the repsitory on your local machine by running the following command
git clone hhtp://
OpenCV 2.0 pip3 install opencv-python
(Requires: pip3)
Download the weights file from
Alternatively, run the command wget
Save the yolov3.weights file in the YOLOv3 folder
Run the following commands in separate terminals after ROS setup is sourced.
roslaunch freenect_launch freenect.launch
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/image_color
rosrun image_view disparity_view image:=/camera/depth/disparity
Run the following commands after enterong the YOLOv3 folder by cd YOLOv3
- python3 --image1 <image1>.jpg --image2 <image2>.jpg --depthImage1 <depth1>.pgm --depthImage2 <depth2>.pgm --config yolov3.cfg --weights yolov3.weights --classes yolov3.txt
- python3 --image1 ../RGBD_img/Mul_exp1-1-rgb.png --image2 ../RGBD_img/Mul_exp1-2-rgb.png --depthImage1 ../RGBD_img/Mul_exp1-1-depth.png --depthImage2 ../RGBD_img/Mul_exp1-2-depth.png --config yolov3.cfg --weights yolov3.weights --classes yolov3.txt
python3 --image1 r-1.ppm --image2 r-2.ppm --depthImage1 d-1.pgm --depthImage2 d-2.pgm --config yolov3.cfg --weights yolov3.weights --classes yolov3.txt
- Python3
- ROS Kinetic
- YOLOv3
- Pytorch
- CV2
- Freenect
- Revolution around a single object cannot be detected.
- Algortihm needs to be modified to differentiate between Yaw and X-displacement of the robot.
- Requires multiple objects in the frame for a good efficiency
- Will have to be combined with other odometry methods.
- Rishikesh Vanarse (Github: rmvanarse )
- Akhil Tarikere (Github: Akter8 )
- Srisreyas Sundaresan (Github: SriSreyas )
- Pranav Guruprasad (Github: pranavguru )