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270 lines (210 loc) · 8.3 KB

File metadata and controls

270 lines (210 loc) · 8.3 KB


These are my development notes on this extension. For extension information go to ./yaml.novaextension


To work on the extension, you will need to have Node.js (version 16+) and Nova installed on your development machine. Then run:

# cd to/this/folder

# install NPM dependencies
npm install

regular use

For development, use the Development task to build and run the extension locally. Build will compile the TypeScript into JavaScript into the extension folder and install bundled dependencies. Use Extensions → Activate Project as Extension to run the extension. Nova will run the extension locally and restart when any file inside the .novaextension changes, i.e. by running the Build task again.

Make sure to disable the extension if a published version is already installed.

When in development mode, the extension outputs extra information to the Debug Pane, which can be shown with ViewShow Debug Pane.

Use the files in the examples folder to test out different features of the language server.

code formatting

This repository uses Prettier, yorkie and lint-staged to automatically format code when staging code git commits.

You can manually run the formatter with npm run format if you want.

Prettier ignores files using .prettierignore or specific lines after a // prettier-ignore comment.

helpful links

release process

  • Ensure git is clean
  • Ensure the is up-to-date
  • Generate new screenshots if needed
  • Make sure DEBUG_LOGS is false
  • Run the build
  • Bump the version in extension.json
  • Commit as X.Y.Z
  • Tag the commit as vX.Y.Z
  • Remove yaml.novaextension/node_modules
  • Extensions → Submit to the Extension Library...

design goals

  • be open about what the extension does / how it uses its entitlements
  • try to bundle yaml-server as a "binary" to avoid node_modules management in production
  • try to make internet connection tasks user-visible
bundling yaml-server

with esbuild

Uncomment the build in bin/ and run the build

mapped file:
  // node_modules/vscode-json-languageservice/lib/umd/services/jsonSchemaService.js

failing line:
  var Strings = require2("../utils/strings");

  Error: Cannot find module '../utils/strings'

Last attempted: 05/06/21



  • make Kubernetes opt-in/out based on a configuration flag
  • add more configuration options and add per-project config too
  • explore creating custom nova UI elements to view Kubernetes resources/logs
  • user-configurable schema associations in the extension settings
  • add an api similar to redhat-developer/vscode-yaml schema-extension-api that allows other extensions to register custom schemas
  • I'm not sure how VSCode's inter-extension communication works or if nova supports something similar
  • better Kubernetes support similar to how Azure/vscode-kubernetes-tools uses custom schemas
    • Nova's LSP doesn't seem to support custom notifications/requests yet which is how that works
    • in-client create a custom association like kubernetes://schema/apps/v1@deployment by parsing the yaml apiVersion and kind
    • client provides the association and maps to a schema from these json files
  • network & caching
    • learn more about how yaml-language-server does network requests. does it cache based on http headers?
    • cache associations / schemas as files for offline support
    • explore making it a user choice to (re)download associations / schemas, rather than automatic?


  • document release process and its nuances
  • use of npm shrinkwrap
  • which version numbers to increment (package.json, extension.json, root package.json ?)


  • indentation on inserted completions is off
    • The LanguageServer is sending a configMap:\n $1
    • Is nova meant to handle the intendation
  • YAML server doesn't request config and I can only send it yaml config, so it isn't getting editor and other standard values
  • move large screenshots out of extension folder

sticking points

  • Nova's LSP integration
    • missing custom notification/request-responses, they seem to be swallowed up by the client
    • dynamic capability registration isn't supported
  • hook up document outline for yaml, this seems to be is a Nova thing
  • review registerCapability bug for workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders if/when nova supports dynamic registration

More LSP messages

From the old main.ts

const schemas = await fetchSchemaAssociations();
client.sendNotification("json/schemaAssociations", schemas);

// Tell the server that we are ready to provide custom schema content
// - This is sent to YAML and it starts sending "custom/schema/request" requests

// Tell the server that the client supports schema requests sent directly to it

// If the server asks for custom schemas, get it and send it back
// This isn't triggered when a request is fired
client.onRequest("custom/schema/request", (resource: string) => {
  debug("custom/schema/request resource:", resource);
  throw new Error("Not implemented");

// If the server asks for custom schema content, get it and send it back
client.onRequest("custom/schema/content", (uri: string) => {
  debug("custom/schema/content resource:", uri);
  throw new Error("Not implemented");

// Handle http requests for the server
client.onRequest("vscode/content", async (uri: string) => {
  debug("vscode/content uri:", uri);
  throw new Error("Not implemented");

Completion Issue


        - name: html
            claimName: sample-pvc

The request

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 4,
  "method": "textDocument/completion",
  "params": {
    "context": { "triggerCharacter": "c", "triggerKind": 2 },
    "textDocument": {
      "uri": "file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD/Users/rob/dev/nova/yaml/examples/some-deployment.yml"
    "position": { "line": 30, "character": 11 }

The response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 4,
  "result": {
    "items": [
        "kind": 10,
        "label": "configMap",
        "insertText": "configMap:\n  $1",
        "insertTextFormat": 2,
        "documentation": "ConfigMap represents a configMap that should populate this volume",
        "textEdit": {
          "range": {
            "start": { "line": 30, "character": 10 },
            "end": { "line": 30, "character": 11 }
          "newText": "configMap:\n  $1"
    "isIncomplete": false

Custom requests issue

The idea is that you tell the LanguageServer you can handle http requests and it will forward them to the client via a LSP request:


client.onRequest("custom/schema/request", async (file) => {
  debug("custom/schema/request", file);
  return fetch("the_url...");

From inspecting the server I can see it is receiving the notification and sending a request for the file:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 3,
  "method": "custom/schema/request",
  "params": [

But Nova isn't calling my callback.