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robbielyman committed Oct 18, 2020
1 parent 587557c commit 6e36677
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Showing 8 changed files with 6,822 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added .DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified bitters.amxd
Binary file not shown.
4,511 changes: 4,511 additions & 0 deletions bittersvoice.gendsp

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions envelope.gendsp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
"patcher" : {
"fileversion" : 1,
"appversion" : {
"major" : 8,
"minor" : 1,
"revision" : 5,
"architecture" : "x64",
"modernui" : 1
"classnamespace" : "dsp.gen",
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"subpatcher_template" : "",
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"box" : {
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"maxclass" : "newobj",
"numinlets" : 0,
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "" ],
"patching_rect" : [ 445.0, 90.0, 291.0, 22.0 ],
"text" : "in 6 @min 0.1 @default 150. @comment release"

, {
"box" : {
"id" : "obj-11",
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"numinlets" : 0,
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "" ],
"patching_rect" : [ 362.0, 62.0, 326.0, 22.0 ],
"text" : "in 5 @min 0. @max 1. @default 0.5 @comment sustain"

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"box" : {
"id" : "obj-10",
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"numinlets" : 0,
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "" ],
"patching_rect" : [ 279.0, 38.0, 261.0, 22.0 ],
"text" : "in 4 @min 0.1 @default 100. @comment decay"

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"box" : {
"id" : "obj-9",
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"numinlets" : 0,
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "" ],
"patching_rect" : [ 196.0, 14.0, 248.0, 22.0 ],
"text" : "in 3 @min 0.1 @default 1. @comment attack"

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"box" : {
"id" : "obj-8",
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"numinlets" : 1,
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "" ],
"patching_rect" : [ 30.0, 46.0, 35.0, 22.0 ],
"text" : "? 1 0"

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"box" : {
"id" : "obj-7",
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"numinlets" : 1,
"numoutlets" : 0,
"patching_rect" : [ 445.0, 465.0, 137.0, 22.0 ],
"text" : "out 2 @comment ad out"

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"box" : {
"id" : "obj-6",
"linecount" : 2,
"maxclass" : "comment",
"numinlets" : 1,
"numoutlets" : 0,
"patching_rect" : [ 25.0, 500.0, 169.0, 33.0 ],
"text" : "Peter McCulloch, 2015\"

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"box" : {
"code" : "History ad(0);\r\nHistory asr(0);\r\nHistory atk_pulse(0);\r\nHistory eoa(0);\r\nHistory triggered(0);\r\nHistory gate_hist(0);\r\nHistory sustain(0.5);\r\nHistory dcy(1000);\r\nParam attack_lockout(0); \t// If attack_lockout is on, the attack segment MUST complete \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// before the release or decay can be triggered\r\n\r\n/* Constants\r\n * ============================================================================================= \r\n * Each iteration of the slide will take us ~63% of the remaining distance. \r\n * To avoid asymptotically approaching our target value (which would make the timing values feel wrong)\r\n * we aim for a value above (rising) or below (falling) our target and then clip the results.\r\n *\r\n * After 3 iterations of the RC accumulator, the accumulator will be ~95% of the way there. \r\n * By deliberately overshooting our target value by the inverse of this value, we get there right on time. \r\n * (The bottom part of the fraction is the ~95% part) \r\n *\r\n * It is important that this constant be precise\r\n * because it will effect the timing precision of the envelope considerably! (i.e. errors compound)\r\n */\r\niter = 1 - (1/e); \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// 0.63212055882856 \r\n\r\n// The fractional term is the remaining distance for each iteration (1 the first time, 1/e the second...)\r\nhigh_target = 1./(iter*(1/1) + iter*(1/e) + iter*(1/(e*e))); \t\t// Going up... (~1.05)\r\nlow_target = 1.-high_target; \t\t\t// Going down... (~-0.05)\r\n\r\nsmoothing = 1 -(1/mstosamps(20.));\r\n\r\ndo_trig = (delta(in2>0) > 0); // Read from the trigger inlet\r\n\r\ngate_in = in1 > 0;\r\n\r\n// If triggered, or attack hasn't ended and gate still active or in lockout mode\r\natk_pulse = (do_trig || !eoa) && (gate_in || attack_lockout); \r\n\r\nattack = mstosamps(in3);\r\nrelease = mstosamps(in6);\r\ndcy = gate_in*mstosamps(in4); // Short-circuits so that it uses release time when gate is low\r\nsustain = mix(in5,sustain,smoothing);\r\n\r\npuls = atk_pulse > 0 ? high_target : low_target;\r\n\r\nasr_gate = gate_in || atk_pulse ? high_target : low_target;\r\n// If you ONLY \r\n// asr_gate = (in1 > 0) ? high_target : low_target;\r\n\r\n// Clamp so that on overshoot values hit min/max\r\nad = clamp(slide(puls,attack,dcy),0.,1.);\r\nasr = clamp(slide(asr_gate,attack,release),0.,1.); // in1 acts as a gate signal\r\n\r\neoa = !atk_pulse || (ad >= 1.);\r\n\r\n\r\nout1 = mix(ad,asr,sustain); // blend the two envelopes based on the sustain value\r\nout2 = ad;\r\n",
"fontface" : 0,
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"fontsize" : 12.0,
"id" : "obj-5",
"maxclass" : "codebox",
"numinlets" : 6,
"numoutlets" : 2,
"outlettype" : [ "", "" ],
"patching_rect" : [ 30.0, 128.0, 434.0, 319.0 ]

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"box" : {
"id" : "obj-1",
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"numinlets" : 0,
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "" ],
"patching_rect" : [ 30.0, 14.0, 119.0, 22.0 ],
"text" : "in 1 @comment gate"

, {
"box" : {
"id" : "obj-2",
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"numinlets" : 0,
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "" ],
"patching_rect" : [ 113.0, 38.0, 130.0, 22.0 ],
"text" : "in 2 @comment trigger"

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"box" : {
"id" : "obj-4",
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"numinlets" : 1,
"numoutlets" : 0,
"patching_rect" : [ 30.0, 465.0, 147.0, 22.0 ],
"text" : "out 1 @comment adsr out"

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"patchline" : {
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"patchline" : {
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"patchline" : {
"destination" : [ "obj-5", 2 ],
"source" : [ "obj-9", 0 ]

"autosave" : 0


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