diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1d0a78 Binary files /dev/null and b/.DS_Store differ diff --git a/bitters.amxd b/bitters.amxd index 9a973f1..9e70d50 100644 Binary files a/bitters.amxd and b/bitters.amxd differ diff --git a/bittersvoice.gendsp b/bittersvoice.gendsp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7f2104 --- /dev/null +++ b/bittersvoice.gendsp @@ -0,0 +1,4511 @@ +{ + "patcher" : { + "fileversion" : 1, + "appversion" : { + "major" : 8, + "minor" : 1, + "revision" : 5, + "architecture" : "x64", + "modernui" : 1 + } +, + "classnamespace" : "dsp.gen", + "rect" : [ 84.0, 129.0, 1302.0, 643.0 ], + "bglocked" : 0, + "openinpresentation" : 0, + "default_fontsize" : 12.0, + "default_fontface" : 0, + "default_fontname" : "Arial", + "gridonopen" : 1, + "gridsize" : [ 15.0, 15.0 ], + "gridsnaponopen" : 1, + "objectsnaponopen" : 1, + "statusbarvisible" : 2, + "toolbarvisible" : 1, + "lefttoolbarpinned" : 0, + "toptoolbarpinned" : 0, + "righttoolbarpinned" 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22.0 ], + "text" : "gen @file smooth @time 10" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-48", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 94.5, 939.0, 157.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "gen @file smooth @time 10" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-55", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 94.5, 784.0, 75.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "param cutoff" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-53", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 444.0, 311.0, 48.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "r pitch2" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-52", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 31.0, 236.0, 48.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "r pitch1" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-51", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 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+ "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 93.799999999999997, 154.0, 87.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "param osc1pw" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-37", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 125.199999999999989, 252.0, 123.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "param osc1waveform" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-36", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 188.0, 300.0, 100.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "param osc1index" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-35", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 156.599999999999994, 276.0, 95.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "param osc1ratio" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-34", + "maxclass" : "comment", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 1308.0, 166.0, 150.0, 34.0 ], + "text" : "Filter Envelope\n" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-33", + "maxclass" : "comment", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 923.0, 175.0, 150.0, 20.0 ], + "text" : "Amp Envelope" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-32", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 1281.0, 96.0, 32.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "r trig" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-31", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 1240.0, 96.0, 39.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "r gate" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-30", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 1240.0, 210.0, 49.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "s filtenv" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-29", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 841.0, 200.0, 61.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "s ampenv" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-7", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 1322.0, 24.0, 154.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "in 8 @comment filter attack" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-8", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 1445.0, 96.0, 165.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "in 11 @comment fiter release" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-9", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 1404.0, 72.0, 167.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "in 10 @comment filter sustain" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-23", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 1363.0, 48.0, 154.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "in 9 @comment filter decay" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-4", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 6, + "numoutlets" : 2, + "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 1240.0, 131.0, 224.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "gen @file envelope @title filter envelope" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-3", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 34.0, 84.0, 33.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "s vel" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-26", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 2, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 31.0, 296.0, 32.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "mtof" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-25", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 2, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 31.0, 1262.0, 28.5, 22.0 ], + "text" : "*" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-24", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 34.0, 49.0, 39.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "/ 127." + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-22", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 6, + "numoutlets" : 2, + "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 31.0, 398.0, 176.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "gen @file oscillator @title osc 1" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-21", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 169.0, 95.0, 35.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "s trig" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-20", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 169.0, 69.0, 35.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "? 1 0" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-19", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 31.0, 1293.0, 155.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "out 1 @comment signal out" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-18", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 841.0, 264.0, 149.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "out 2 @comment busy out" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-17", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 169.0, 43.0, 35.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "delta" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-16", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 169.0, 14.0, 130.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "in 3 @comment trigger" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-15", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 81.5, 49.0, 41.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "s gate" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-14", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 34.0, 14.0, 136.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "in 2 @comment velocity" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-13", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 923.0, 9.0, 155.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "in 4 @comment amp attack" + } + + } +, { + 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dcy(1000);\r\nParam attack_lockout(0); \t// If attack_lockout is on, the attack segment MUST complete \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// before the release or decay can be triggered\r\n\r\n/* Constants\r\n * ============================================================================================= \r\n * Each iteration of the slide will take us ~63% of the remaining distance. \r\n * To avoid asymptotically approaching our target value (which would make the timing values feel wrong)\r\n * we aim for a value above (rising) or below (falling) our target and then clip the results.\r\n *\r\n * After 3 iterations of the RC accumulator, the accumulator will be ~95% of the way there. \r\n * By deliberately overshooting our target value by the inverse of this value, we get there right on time. \r\n * (The bottom part of the fraction is the ~95% part) \r\n *\r\n * It is important that this constant be precise\r\n * because it will effect the timing precision of the envelope considerably! (i.e. errors compound)\r\n */\r\niter = 1 - (1/e); \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// 0.63212055882856 \r\n\r\n// The fractional term is the remaining distance for each iteration (1 the first time, 1/e the second...)\r\nhigh_target = 1./(iter*(1/1) + iter*(1/e) + iter*(1/(e*e))); \t\t// Going up... (~1.05)\r\nlow_target = 1.-high_target; \t\t\t// Going down... (~-0.05)\r\n\r\nsmoothing = 1 -(1/mstosamps(20.));\r\n\r\ndo_trig = (delta(in2>0) > 0); // Read from the trigger inlet\r\n\r\ngate_in = in1 > 0;\r\n\r\n// If triggered, or attack hasn't ended and gate still active or in lockout mode\r\natk_pulse = (do_trig || !eoa) && (gate_in || attack_lockout); \r\n\r\nattack = mstosamps(in3);\r\nrelease = mstosamps(in6);\r\ndcy = gate_in*mstosamps(in4); // Short-circuits so that it uses release time when gate is low\r\nsustain = mix(in5,sustain,smoothing);\r\n\r\npuls = atk_pulse > 0 ? high_target : low_target;\r\n\r\nasr_gate = gate_in || atk_pulse ? high_target : low_target;\r\n// If you ONLY \r\n// asr_gate = (in1 > 0) ? high_target : low_target;\r\n\r\n// Clamp so that on overshoot values hit min/max\r\nad = clamp(slide(puls,attack,dcy),0.,1.);\r\nasr = clamp(slide(asr_gate,attack,release),0.,1.); // in1 acts as a gate signal\r\n\r\neoa = !atk_pulse || (ad >= 1.);\r\n\r\n\r\nout1 = mix(ad,asr,sustain); // blend the two envelopes based on the sustain value\r\nout2 = ad;\r\n", + "fontface" : 0, + "fontname" : "", + "fontsize" : 12.0, + "id" : "obj-5", + "maxclass" : "codebox", + "numinlets" : 6, + "numoutlets" : 2, + "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 30.0, 128.0, 434.0, 319.0 ] + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-1", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 30.0, 14.0, 119.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "in 1 @comment gate" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-2", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 113.0, 38.0, 130.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "in 2 @comment trigger" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-4", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 30.0, 465.0, 147.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "out 1 @comment adsr out" + } + + } + ], + "lines" : [ { + "patchline" : { + "destination" : [ "obj-8", 0 ], + "source" : [ "obj-1", 0 ] + } + 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13.0, 509.0, 150.0, 60.0 ], + "text" : "This is Algorithm 1 from https://cytomic.com/files/dsp/SvfLinearTrapOptimised2.pdf" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-63", + "maxclass" : "comment", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 343.0, 441.0, 150.0, 34.0 ], + "text" : "int_2 = 2*low - int_2\n" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-62", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 2, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 253.5, 470.0, 29.5, 22.0 ], + "text" : "-" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-61", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 253.5, 437.0, 23.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "* 2" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-60", + "maxclass" : "comment", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 17.0, 433.0, 150.0, 20.0 ], + "text" : "int_1 = 2*band - int_1" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-59", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + 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"newobj", + "numinlets" : 2, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 180.0, 437.0, 29.5, 22.0 ], + "text" : "+" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-53", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 253.5, 396.0, 141.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "out 1 @comment low out" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-52", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 128.0, 597.0, 150.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "out 2 @comment band out" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-51", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 2, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 253.5, 366.0, 29.5, 22.0 ], + "text" : "+" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-50", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 2, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 266.25, 307.0, 29.5, 22.0 ], + "text" : "*" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-49", + "maxclass" : 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3, + "maxclass" : "comment", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 393.5, 206.0, 140.0, 47.0 ], + "text" : "a = 1/(1 + g*(g+ 2 - 2*R)\nb = g*a\nc = g*b" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-41", + "maxclass" : "comment", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 41.0, 219.0, 111.5, 20.0 ], + "text" : "V = In - Int_2" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-34", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 2, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 128.0, 341.0, 29.5, 22.0 ], + "text" : "+" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-33", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 2, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 128.0, 305.0, 29.5, 22.0 ], + "text" : "*" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-32", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 2, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 163.75, 305.0, 29.5, 22.0 ], + "text" : "*" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" 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- A*DC + 1 - 2*P3*pw*pw*pw*pw + P2*pw*pw*pw - 1.5*P1*pw*pw + C*pw - 0.25*C*T0;\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (pw < T3)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tout1 = A*pw - A*DC + 1 + P3*pw*pw*pw*pw - P2*pw*pw*pw + 4.5*P1*pw*pw - 7*C*pw + 3.75*C*T0;\r\n\t}\r\n\telse\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tout1 = B*pw - B*DC + 1;\r\n\t}\n}\r\n\r\n\n\r\n", + "fontface" : 0, + "fontname" : "", + "fontsize" : 12.0, + "id" : "obj-11", + "maxclass" : "codebox", + "numinlets" : 3, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 319.0, 574.0, 785.0, 478.0 ] + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-10", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 31.0, 1014.0, 26.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "+ 1" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-7", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 0, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 31.0, 972.0, 266.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "in 4 @comment waveform min 0 max 1 default 0" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : 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-(p*p*p)*P3 + w;\r\n\t}\r\n\t// second sample\r\n\telse if (p < T2)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tout1 = 2*(p*p*p)*P3 - 3*(p*p)*P2 + 1.5*p*P0 + w - 0.5;\r\n\t}\r\n\t// third sample\r\n\telse if (p < T3)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tout1 = -(p*p*p)*P3 + 3*(p*p)*P2 - 4.5*p*P0 + w + 3.5;\r\n\t}\r\n\t// output low\r\n\telse\r\n\t{\r\n\t\t// compensate for DC offset\r\n\t\tout1 = w - 1;\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\n// output high\r\nelse\r\n{\r\n\t// this is the distance from the discontinuity\r\n\tpw = p-w;\r\n\t\r\n\t// first sample\r\n\tif (pw < T0)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tout1 = (pw*pw*pw)*P3 + w - 1;\r\n\t}\r\n\t// second sample\r\n\telse if (pw < T2)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tout1 = -2*(pw*pw*pw)*P3 + 3*(pw*pw)*P2 - 1.5*pw*P0 + w - 0.5;\r\n\t}\r\n\t// third sample\r\n\telse if (pw < T3)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\toutw = (pw*pw*pw)*P3 - 3*(pw*pw)*P2 + 4.5*pw*P0 + w - 4.5;\r\n\t}\r\n\t// output high\r\n\telse\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tout1 = w;\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\n// still need to scale by 2 for correct amplitude", + "fontface" : 0, + "fontname" : "", + "fontsize" : 12.0, + "id" : 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