A Winston transport using Discord.js, written in TypeScript
- Node.js 16.6+
// Setup Discord.js client
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
// Find a channel to send log messages to
const discordChannel = client.channels.get(discordChannelId)
// Create and add the transport to a logger
const DiscordTransport = require('winston-discordjs');
logger.add(new DiscordTransport({
discordChannel: discordChannel
From the code:
export interface DiscordTransportStreamOptions
extends Transport.TransportStreamOptions {
discordClient?: Client
discordToken?: string
discordChannel?: TextChannel
Ideally a TextChannel
is passed in, from an existing Discord.Client
Otherwise, the transport expects a Channel ID as a string
If an ID is passed in, the Transport requires a Discord.Client
- If one is passed in, we will use it
- If one is not passed in, we will create one using the given