Class based ML code in the Browser - A KotlinJS wrapper for the wonderful TensorFlow.js library.
Base library:
You can explore the TensorFlow-kt code either by browsing this repo or cloning from source:
git clone
To setup TensorFlow-kt and start using it in your project, add these lines to build.gradle:
repositories {
maven { url = "" }
dependencies {
implementation "fortytwoapps:tfkt:1.5.1"
To start using TensorFlow-kt in your project, simply import like this:
import com.fortytwoapps.tfkt.tensors.*
Note: only tensors are available so far, methods for the rest of the library will be added soon.
- TensorFlow.js - The underlying JavaScript library used
- Travis CI - Continuous Integration
- Gradle - Dependency Management
Feel free to contribute if you feel this toolkit is lacking for your application. Contributions are open.
- Robert Cronin - Initial work - robert-cronin
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the file for details
- Hat tip goes to developers at Google for developing the JavaScript TensorFlow Library
- Template for this readme came from PurpleBooth