You can read the narrative at
- on 2020-05-19 the Italian Government released a 263-pages, 266-articles Government Decree for the post-COVID19 restart of the Italian economy.
- on 2020-05-20/21 released a webapp (search by tag cloud)
- on 2020-05-20 and 23 released a Kaggle frequency dataset
- on 2020-06-03 updated the webapp to add the linkup to the actual text of each article stored here, to allow for line-by-line reference
- on 2020-07-18 the Italian Government released on the Gazzetta Ufficiale Law 77 of 2020-07-17, replacing the decree; 155 implementation ("decreti attuativi") will have to follow within 90 days
- on 2020-07-18 started the update of the GitHub and local database, to be released officially on 2020-07-21; pending the update, the GitHub content is not accessible from the application (only the tag cloud is visible), and the GitHub content update will be completed by 2020-07-20 11 AM UTC
- on 2020-11-21 added the reference to the new webapp that has been available since 2020-07-20, in preparation of the release of a new repository focused on a further Government Decree converted into Law (Decreto Semplificazioni - Law 120 of 2020-09-11, published on Gazzetta Ufficiale on 2020-09-14), that modified some elements of Law 77
There are two mini webapps:
- on Decreto Rilancio 34/2020
- on Legge 77/2020 (conversion into law of Decreto 34/2020, with changes and amendments)
The latter includes also a visualization of the timeframe of impacts of each article
Purpose: an experiment in dissemination to ease access and evidence-based negotiation using open data and open platforms, without necessarily being involved in the ensuing uses
Next steps: further experiments and probably updated on the webapp and Kaggle dataset based upon request
Disclosure: beside my Italian passport, I have neither political nor organizational affiliation with any State, local authorities, or private sector organization in this endeavour