Ochem.io is a web application for organic chemistry teachers to create interactive arrow pushing excercises. Teachers can group these excercises to match the progression of lecture content. Students can use these exercises to reinforce critical concepts learned in lectures.
- Typescript
- P5.js
- Next.js
- Firebase
- Tailwind CSS
Install node
Navigate to the project directory in terminal:
- Use command 'npm i' to download all node dependencies for the project
- Use command 'npm run dev' to start the application on local server port 3000
- Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser
├── canvas/ // Code for the molecule interaction canvas
│ ├── Sketch.ts // Setup, the central 'game loop', event listeners
│ ├── Constants.ts // Defines object sizes, colors, and physics constants
│ ├── model/ // Classes and interfaces defining application state
│ ├── view/ // Functions to draw objects on the canvas
│ ├── controller/ // Functions to update state upon user input
├── components/ // React components
├── context/ // Global state for the react application (not the canvas)
│ ├── Context.ts // Interface defining fields within the global react state
│ ├── Provider.ts // React wrapper to inject state into children
├── model/ // Interfaces for state, both in-memory and NoSQL persisted
│ ├── Firebase.ts // Names of document types persisted in Firebase
│ ├── ...
├── functions/ // Thematically grouped functions used by React components
├── pages/ // Web pages defined with the next.js pattern
│ ├── index.tsx // The home page
│ ├── student/ // Pages with url prefix ochem.io/student/...
│ ├── teacher/ // Pages with url prefix ochem.io/teacher/...
│ ├── teacher/ // Pages with url prefix ochem.io/teacher/...
├── public/ // Files exposed through the base url
├── styles/ // Injects tree-shaken tailwind classes into document CSS
├── firebaseClient.js // Config and setup for firebase
└── ... // Project setup
- Web pages are defined using the next.js structure
- React essentially consists of nested javascript functions that each wrap the HTML, CSS, and JS for a given component on the page, like a form or button
This project effectively comprises of two distinct applications that share state:
The canvas:
- the central element in the `/[teacher | student]/reactions/[reaction_id]` pages
- where teachers create and edit exercises
- where students practice the excercises
- written with P5.js, which is essentially a very low-level game engine that drives an HTML5 canvas
- written with a model-view-controller, object oriented design
- utilizes a 'game loop' which, in each iteration, updates the model, and re-renders the updated objects in the HTML5 canvas
The react application:
- everything outside the canvas
- in the `*/reactions/[reaction_id]` pages, react shares state with the canvas so that react buttons can manipulate behaviour on the canvas
Copyright Robert Koenig 2021