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Use winform to develop, operate with keyboard, very simple, no game engin, there are some small bugs, welcome to download for beginners
- Features of source code Use winform to develop, operate with keyboard, very simple, there are some small bugs, welcome to download
- Function introduction This source code is a fighter game source code, DirectX 9.0 or higher version must be installed. The WinForm Timer component uses a non-standard game scenario, and the DirectX component provides a more secure standard library. Novice programmers make great use of game ideas.
- Menu function
- Use the keyboard
to control the up, down, left and right directions of the aircraft to move the aircraft to avoid the attack of the opponent's aircraft and missiles - Click on the keyboard
to launch artillery shells and hit the opponent's aircraft - The computer has three lives, so you need to avoid the opponent's attack and hit the opponent three times to win.
- Start, stop, restart Fourth, matters needing attention
- The development environment is Visual Studio 2012, using .net 2.0 to develop.
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