- BigWeatherBug
From the big_bug.py file in this project:
- This project implements a "Big"WeatherBug", a small, enclosed display
- that can be mounted on the wall to show the current temperature,
- weather conditions, and forecast. It is written in Python using
- the Python game framework.
- This uses the Raspberry Pi 3 single board computer, using the
- 'PiTFT Plus 480x320 3.5" TFT+Touchscreen for Raspberry Pi' from
- Adafruit for a display. See https://www.adafruit.com/product/2441
- The case is also from Adafruit and is specifically designed to fit this
- particular screen. See https://www.adafruit.com/product/2779
- This code uses weather data from OpenWeatherMap: http://openweathermap.org
- Adafruit is an excellent source for hobby electronics, check them out today!
- Written by Rob Hafernik, rob@hafernik.com
- My first go at this was the "Little Weather Bug", which is documented
- on GitHub at: https://github.com/robhafernik/LittleWeatherBug
- This new version uses the display referenced above, along with the
- pygame library for python to draw the display. Some complicaton is
- added by having two color levels for everything: one for daytime and
- one for nighttime (the day mode is just too bright at night).
- Released into the public domain, do with it as you will. It is not,
- however, warranted to be correct in any way.