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Robocode API adapter library

About the adapter library

This is an adapter library for the Robocode API of the original Robocode allowing robots developed for the original Robocode to run with Robocode Tank Royale.

The generated library (robocode-api-x.y.z.jar) is a replacement for the original robocode.jar library. Robocode robot developers can use this library to code against the original Robocode API, but run the robot in Tank Royale.

The robocode and gl4java packages should be considered and kept read only as these are taken from the original Robocode API sources. The sources for the adapter are kept entirely within the dev.robocode.tankroyale.bridge package, and can be changed to improve the adapter code.

The BotPeer in this package can be considered as the main class as these implements interfaces from the original Robocode making the adapter possible. The BotPeer transforms commands and events from the original Robocode API into commands and events for the Tank Royale API.

Build commands

Clean build directory:

gradle clean

Build/compile artifact:

gradle build

The generated library (Robocode API bridge) can be found under /build/libs named robocode-api-x.y.z.jar.