A game engine and builder inspired by 90s text-driven fantasy RPGs. Built in ReactJS and Django. Although this is more of a demonstration of the game engine rather than the game content, BRIDGE is playable, with 30 rooms to explore, two character classes, a handful of weapons and a limited arsenal of spells.
Includes code for building rooms, mobs(monsters), spells and items in-game. Builder commands also include JavaScript functions for navigating rooms, healing characters, conjuring items, summoning mobs, and other functions useful for game-content-creators.
The newly implemented DEMO mode is fully playable, but does not allow for saving characters. Players can still create an account, which gives them the ability to create and save characters.
Although this version of the game is fantasy-themed, the engine is modular, and future devs can easily tailor the game by changing database entries for rooms, weapons, items, monsters and spells.
The game is designed to run on the web in a browser and can be found at: rpg-final-project.herokuapp.com
Contributors are welcome to download the code and run on a local machine. After cloning the repo, in frontend/static:
npm install react
npm start
To use the database locally. In the main directory:
pipenv shell
python manage.py runserver
Note: the backend requires several dependencies:
django django-allauth django-restauth django-rest-framework dj-database-url pillow gunicorn whitenoise
TO DO: Add rooms, weapons, spells and character classes. Also need to flesh out character level-up system. The code currently allows characters to advance to level 3. Future code will go up to 90.
CREATOR REALIZATION WHILE WRITING THIS README: Instead of making hard-coded experience values for going up levels, I should write a function that makes each level requirement a constant mathmatical value, so the levels can actually be determined by a single function or a series of small functions rather than a massive table from 1-90 with each level specifically defined. But then how do you distribute spells and abilties gained through levels? I don't know, but I'll figure it out.