Simple Blockchain implementation built entirely in GoLang.
- install GO in your environment
- download this repository source code
- open a terminal, navigate to the folder blockchain:
cd blockchain
- execute the application:
go run .\main\main.go
This will show all possible options to interact with the blockchain via this CLI:
Blockchain CLI - Interact with the blockchain through a CLI
main.exe [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
bc Check the current status of the blockchain
tp Check the current status of the transaction pool
transaction Create a new transaction and add it to the blockchain
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
- To print the blockchain, just
go run .\main\main.go bc
- To print the transaction pool, just
go run .\main\main.go tp
- To create a transaction (it first creates in the transaction pool), just
go run .\main\main.go transaction --sender=YOUR_SENDER_NAME --recipient=YOUR_RECIPIENT_NAME --amount=YOUR_AMOUNT
- One new block is mined after 3 transactions are added in the transaction pool