Rest webservice to create raw transactions selecting UTXO
This endpoint will be used to create a raw transaction that spends from a P2PKH address and that supports paying to mulitple addresses (either P2PKH or P2SH). The endpoint should return a transaction that spends from the source address and that pays to the output addresse
- URL: /payment_transactions
- Method: POST
- Request body (dictionary):
- source_address (string): The address to spend from
- outputs (dictionary): A dictionary that maps addresses to amounts (in SAT)
- fee_kb (int): The fee per kb in SAT
- Response body (dictionary):
- raw (string): The unsigned raw transaction
- inputs (array of dicts): The inputs used
- txid (string): The transaction id
- vout (int): The output number
- script_pub_key (string): The script pub key
- amount (int): The amount in SAT